Dude... Furusawa is 33 years old. Very unlikely he'll pop again.
My 33 old bench warmer (12746306) popped driving of game shape training last week
8/30/2013 Game Shape for Team Training
Kiril Hadzhiev ↑popped↑ in Driving from average to respectable .
Kiril Hadzhiev ↓dropped↓ in Passing from proficient to strong .
I did say "very unlikely".
But anyway, to the point: because it does happens very occasionally, Toranaga should keep training Furusawa?
Would you train Hadzhiev on anything other than team training?
Ummm... c'mon Nik0, surely that's not what you're advocating!!
Last edited by malice at 9/7/2013 3:20:53 AM
http://with-malice.com/ - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan