You're using the same argument as Trainerman. I said before that no matter where you are, you still have to start from scratch. You have to lay foundation, build up arenas, learn the game, maybe then you can start competing nationally, let alone internationally.
You talk about high salaries as these are just from micro nations !! Some seasons ago a team from USA I think had 1.2 million salary in B3. More than almost 200k above anybody else in the same season in B3. Guess what, he lost in the second round of B3 playoffs
Or how about the team Hosten BK who said that he has spent 20 million in season 30 to win the B3. He said that he has saved up money just like you said, and he lost in the finals by 14 points to KK Mordor !
So money doesn't equal championship. Plus, if all you guys are worried about is the money hoarding, that just got taken care of by the new rules and taxes. Right ? And I don't care about that because that's not my point.