In my opinion the best solution is to make a mix of 2 proposals; increase a little bit the taxation, moving it from 80% to 70% and the introduction of chemistry for the ts. In this way the top teams that have some $ extra because they are on the first divisions, should care better before to making wild day trading cause they will risk to lose some matches and it gives some possibilities of trading the the newcomers that are playing against some bots. I'll be for a more drastical reduction, but I can understand that some people can consider funny to make $ over the heads of the noobs
8) A proposal that I've in mind now is to put a limit of the $ coming from the trading per season, for example 2 millions then you must put the new players bought at zero as bid start. Of course this will be for 1 season, it means that if I buy a player today, I can resell with huge profit next season and this will be not counted as "trading profit"
I've to go out, only a small consideration regarding the comparation of the prices; I think it's too early, a lot of people doesn't know exactly which is a "good" price, for example I never spent 3,1 millions for a player but there are users disposal to do that. The difference from ht is that here the skills are more important and always making a comparation with ht, this way to proceed didn't solve at all the problem.
Last, the big profit that dt realised are coming from players booted, too many players put on the market at the same time, if someone can stay at home all the day, for sure he'll find a good price.
Charles can "monopolize" this discussion whenever he wants, I suggest that he will monopolize this discussion
We are really happy to discuss with the big boss ;)
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