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48 minutes but fouled out

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From: Exos
This Post:
118818.26 in reply to 118818.25
Date: 1/12/2010 2:57:07 PM
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I find myself in the same situation (sorry for bumping this old thread). My player received exaclty 47:40 playing time, fouling out at that particular time and as he is my most cared for trainee I don't want him to experience a big drop in his training effectiveness.

If anyone would estimate the drop of training effect when missing 20 seconds that would be great.
Any views appreciated ;)

In another thread BB-Charles posted this (mentioned above). I am a little bit worried what could be considered as a 'large effect':
While the decline is indeed steep, missing up to 30 seconds is still not that large of an effect, and of course this is a fairly rare situation. In this case, I suppose the 6 fouls are a pretty good clue.

Last edited by Exos at 1/12/2010 2:58:36 PM

This Post:
118818.27 in reply to 118818.26
Date: 1/12/2010 3:06:11 PM
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It isn't a massive drop. It does drop (probably by 10% but that is just a guess) but its not worth worrying about. You are much better off using your next game to train a different player for 48 minutes rather than play this player again just to get him an extra 20 seconds.

Hope that helps.

This Post:
118818.28 in reply to 118818.27
Date: 1/12/2010 3:24:03 PM
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It isn't a massive drop. It does drop (probably by 10% but that is just a guess) but its not worth worrying about. You are much better off using your next game to train a different player for 48 minutes rather than play this player again just to get him an extra 20 seconds.

Hope that helps.

I'm almost positive it's more than 10% (and probably closer to 25%).

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Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
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From: CrazyEye

To: Exos
This Post:
118818.30 in reply to 118818.26
Date: 1/13/2010 6:02:38 AM
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i would say less then 5%, the 25% juice prosping i diddn't get with some missing minutes.

From: Exos

This Post:
118818.31 in reply to 118818.29
Date: 1/13/2010 1:16:06 PM
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Nice proposition, but I am too narrow-mindedly fixed on my training schedule ;)

The estimates differ sharply so I will play it safe and give him a place in the reserves. Hope he does not play too much though as he already got 80 minutes. Thanks for all your views on the subject.

Cheers, Exos

This Post:
118818.32 in reply to 118818.31
Date: 1/13/2010 1:17:59 PM
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If you put him in reserve he probably won't play much if at all. Unless you mean backup, in which case he will play between 10 and 15 minutes (roughly).
But it still isn't worth it, you are better of letting another guy play as Starter, Backup and Reserve and so they get 48 minutes rather than waste minutes by putting this player back in. :)

This Post:
118818.34 in reply to 118818.32
Date: 1/13/2010 7:54:00 PM
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Tutori already guessed it right. My first trainee is of utmost importance to me so I do not consider those training minutes to be lost ;)