Actually, the more I think about the idea, the less I like it. As a fan, it´s horrible to be in an arena which is constantly changing. There should not be more than one point in the season where you can really "change" your seating big time, and that is the off season. You can balance the structure of your attendance by changing your prices, and that´s a pretty good tool by itself. Given, it requires some "experience", but in the end, though you can only change it three times a season, that usually means you ruin no more than 4 home games. If you have enough money to afford a "change of seating categories" with the loss of the seats during the building period, you can aswell take the losses of "4 messed up home games". So where is the overall gain?
And if you´re strong enough to make the playoffs (for a max of 8 messed up home games), but not experienced enough to get the prices right, crybaby award for those, but honestly no need to fix that.
Let people demolish seats in the offseason, if they intend to do so, without financial refunding, and build new seats from scratch, everything else is useless bulk.
Last edited by LA-seelenjaeger at 11/7/2011 4:09:28 PM
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