I don't like the "bad luck" explanations because, well, they doesn't point out to anything we as managers can do or understand.
I think it was BB-Marin who said some things depend on luck, we can't change that with our choices and it resembles real life, where I agree. I guess we are too accustomed that various computer games let us master them and nothing depends on luck there.
I'm not trying to deny the, sometimes, quite strong random effect on buzzerbeater. Just pointing out that "bad luck" should be the last explanation to be offered, because if you always blame the random factor, there is no room for learning.
Most of the time I see the random factor affecting a few parts of the analisys but here, it seems to be omnipresent in almost every category. When that happens, you have two posible choices: A) Really strong random effect B) You are missing something.
Just trying to think if B is plausible or not.
Last edited by Zero, the Magi. at 3/6/2012 11:25:16 PM