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Zone or MtM?????

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From: GM-hrudey

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220501.26 in reply to 220501.25
Date: 6/22/2012 12:05:23 PM
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Ok, got a question, whats the difference btween Inside Isolation and Look Inside?

From what I can tell, inside isolation looks to get the ball to your best inside scorer and clear out room for him. If he has a lot of driving and can break down his defender, it may almost be a lot like an inside variant of patient. If he's got good passing, he may be able to kick it out for some open shots. If he's got bad handling and bad passing and is matched up against a good defender, he'll probably turn it over much more frequently.

But that's all just supposition on my part. The times I've run it I've had players get hurt early so I am short of even anecdotal evidence.

From: tough

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220501.27 in reply to 220501.26
Date: 6/22/2012 12:16:34 PM
Mountain Eagles
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Ric Flair Drippers
hhmmmm, anyone else with inside iso experience? Let me ask my mentor, who put me in this LI offense.....

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!