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BB USA > National Team Debate Thread

National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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224157.26 in reply to 224157.25
Date: 8/22/2012 5:57:49 PM
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20 seasons, no world championships.

i take 2 real life years off from this game, come back to the same people arguing and saying they were successful, when in reality, no gold, or even silver medals?

if insanity is following the same process and expecting different results, what does that make us voters?

i forgot why i kind of hated this game.

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224157.27 in reply to 224157.26
Date: 8/22/2012 6:03:11 PM
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20 seasons, no world championships.

First of all, NT competitions did not start until Season 3 if im correct. World Championships are every other season. So there has only been 8 chances to win. 3 semifinals is a lot more than most countries can say about their NT.

They have been to the finals of the Americas Championships 7 out of the 8 seasons. Winning 3 times.

More than most countries can say about their NTs.

Im not completely defending USA here since they have had some results that underwhelmed their expectations, but they have had success.

May I ask what you would do differently?

From: jfarb

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224157.28 in reply to 224157.27
Date: 8/22/2012 6:45:13 PM
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May I ask what you would do differently?

Don't get him started. Everyone just back away slowly.

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224157.30 in reply to 224157.29
Date: 8/22/2012 11:06:41 PM
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at this point i could care less about the outcome of the NT. i'm more amused than anything.

mod bballin: i would have done things differently from a tactical standpoint for years. at this point, i'm way behind on game mechanics, and don't care to construct spreadsheets to try to reverse engineer the game engine anymore. I am not a good candidate for coach as such.

let's be honest, winning the americas means very little. by userbase, by number of established old teams, we should have had multiple titles by now.

coco: there's a difference between a troll and someone who calls it how it is. what would you call our collective performance over the history of the game? is the sample size big enough for you now at this point to admit we aren't just unlucky?

Last edited by TheUnrepentantGunner at 8/22/2012 11:12:02 PM

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224157.31 in reply to 224157.30
Date: 8/22/2012 11:41:55 PM
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coco: there's a difference between a troll and someone who calls it how it is. what would you call our collective performance over the history of the game? is the sample size big enough for you now at this point to admit we aren't just unlucky?

I'll answer this for him... NO. Coco's biggest thing was that we "should" have won most of the games we lost. Perhaps thats true. Perhaps its not. I believe the latter.

I remember you from when i first started this game for some reason... and god bless you. I've been saying the same thing. Thats why i have no interest in running for manager this term (and probly any in the future). We keep rolling out the same builds on players and expecting different results.

I wasn't gonna get involved in this thread because I got extremely angry last election and the national team side of this game is lame enough without getting me physically angry....

I will say this, and I've said it before... we will never win a gold at worlds, let alone contend, until we get a manager that isn't just a tactics guy. We need a manager that will spearhead the development of players so we don't end up with 3-5 identical players at every position, like our current cluster f*** at PG. Tactics are the easy part. The community can, and does, a fine job picking the lineups and tactics. Its the development of players and following that and getting people that are already excited to train players for the national team to train different types of players. That way we can not only have a multitude of options to choose from lineup wise, but we can also have the use of different tactics to pull if needed.

Good luck to all the candidates...

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224157.34 in reply to 224157.32
Date: 8/22/2012 11:57:04 PM
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224157.35 in reply to 224157.32
Date: 8/23/2012 12:00:04 AM
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dear coco,

i think you misunderstand the word troll.

we could go back and forth substantively for eons. i'm glad you picked up a 300k a week bigman, very noble to disband your aging team. let's put it like this though. when i went inactive about 2 years ago, i had 4-5 mil in the bank. if i didn't think the process that somehow had us fall to a level well beneath where our userbase should have been, i mighta happily helped out on the farming front.

in fact, if it were say... ice storm as manager, i certainly would have done my part. instead, more of the same dross and excuses.

so i bled about 50-60k a week for the most part, i think selling a player here or there when i logged in. i'm basically an expansion point with a history at this point.

the u21 victories are nice, but not yours. again, we at one point had the 3rd or 4th biggest userbase. it mustve taken several seasons of epic mismanagement to lower expectations to the point that advancing out of the americas wasn't a given.

incidentally, i don't even fully blame you (though you deserve your share for sure). i blame the guy who (well i should leave this part blank... because it would be personal, over the line, and pretty blatant trolling).

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