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BB Global (English) > Season 37: New salaries and more competitiveness!

Season 37: New salaries and more competitiveness!

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283856.26 in reply to 283856.25
Date: 12/11/2016 7:25:02 AM
Delaware 87ers
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Yes of course if you bot promote you get the promotion bonus. I think I promoted in Utopia like that once and I did receive my bonus.

Yes the economy will not improve with any of the changes announced. At the moment we have some kind of levelling towards the bottom. The draftees improvement does not affect training speed and the only way to save the economy now in my eyes would be to increase the training speed or training options (for example 2 position training at full speed for every option).

The number of trained players is too low. Either new trained players are going to be created or prices go up and average player becomes worse and worse until we reach some (very poor) equilibrium. I say give us the possibility to create those players because at the moment we can't. We can't create enough players and I believe the vast majority of users train players. It was a misconception by the BBs all along that users were not training in the past. Some users didn't train, most did even in the past. Now, very few users don't train.

Give the possibility to Homegrown teams to cap their entire team of PAS players 12-13 seasons with an advanced trainer.

^This. 1000x ^this.

From: Knecht

To: Foto
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283856.27 in reply to 283856.24
Date: 12/11/2016 8:25:29 AM
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10 million won't get you anywhere in DIV I. This change is so half-thought...

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
From: Foto

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283856.28 in reply to 283856.27
Date: 12/11/2016 8:39:41 AM
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10M won't get you to win the league or to compete, if you start from the scratch, but they are enough to buy 3 players to compite plus the ones you are suppossed to have.
If you want to tank, you have the money you got from the sales, the best draft picks, the possibility of training the way you want to and you will even have profit. The only thing that changes is that the profit will be lower.
Tanking will still be an option, but it can't be an option with just advantages.

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283856.29 in reply to 283856.25
Date: 12/11/2016 8:41:54 AM
Durham Wasps
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Sunderland Boilermakers
There's another issue that occurs to me with the new method of promoting.

Imagine I'm the regular season winner. I'm already guaranteed to promote. I don't need to win the final. Now imagine my opponent isn't the second best team in the regular season. I can now decide who gets to promote. If I win the final, the second best team in the regular season promotes. If I lose the final the winner of the final promotes and so do I.

What if one of those is my friend and one isn't? I can be spiteful and make sure the person I don't like stays in D2. That's just awful. It goes against the spirit of gaming and the spirit of proper competition.

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283856.30 in reply to 283856.29
Date: 12/11/2016 8:44:28 AM
Durham Wasps
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Sunderland Boilermakers
On the economy, it occurs to me that perhaps the BBs want inflation. We're not likely to hear from them either way but I know they were happy with Utopia, despite what the sudden influx of money did then. And what they're doing now will dwarf that.

I can see an iceberg and the powers that be think all they can see is an ice cube in their whisky.

From: Guzzz
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283856.32 in reply to 283856.31
Date: 12/11/2016 9:26:55 AM
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Personally, the new promotion system is nonsense.
6 out of 16 teams will be relegated and that's too much. You got to have some stability in a league to create some rivalry/competition and therefore to attract all the coaches' interest/attention.
I'd prefer to increase the number of teams in a league, if that rule is gonna be applied.

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283856.33 in reply to 283856.21
Date: 12/11/2016 9:35:12 AM
Palestra Itália
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S.E. Palmeiras
BB´s, please, stop overthinking!

The promotion will kill the rest of the game!

This Post:
283856.34 in reply to 283856.31
Date: 12/11/2016 9:38:25 AM
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Except that your fan will absolutely prefer you to win the title. If you are willing to not win as much money as you could next season, I guess you can influnce the results in PO. However, you can already do that nowadays. Teams will CT last game of the season and change the rankings, will CT or not during PO, changing the chances of the other teams. It is and will be always better to win a league than not for following season (and who is against adding a title on their shelf ?).
That is true Perpete, but it doesn't change the fact that what Gully says is also true and this way you have created a way to influence promotions not just the standings. Utopia might be fine because there are users from all different nations and you also swap teams across leagues, but in national leagues one way or another people do come across each other.

So can we have mixed playoffs (a system the NBA is currently debating implementing given the perceived weakness of the eastern conference over the last 20 years) and reward the teams who win in the playoffs rather than the ones who win the most games or have the best PD. We all know that the ranking and PD heavily depend on conference competition and most teams who are perceived to be better actually routinely face subpar lineups or scrub lineups as the opponent save their best players for perceived more winnable games.

Reward with promotion based on merit and levelling the playing field between conferences, please. (I think this would be a good idea in Utopia as well to prevent 3 teams promoting from the same league)

Last edited by Lemonshine at 12/11/2016 9:59:05 AM

This Post:
283856.35 in reply to 283856.31
Date: 12/11/2016 9:47:05 AM
Durham Wasps
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Second Team:
Sunderland Boilermakers
Well, at least you reply to one concern, even if it is the more minor.

Except that your fan will absolutely prefer you to win the title. If you are willing to not win as much money as you could next season, I guess you can influnce the results in PO. However, you can already do that nowadays. Teams will CT last game of the season and change the rankings, will CT or not during PO, changing the chances of the other teams.

These are all natural ways to influence the league, and not against the spirit of competition. I'm disappointed you don't see the difference or have rushed to come up with a dismissal of a perfectly valid argument with a weak answer that's not the same situation at all.
