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293568.26 in reply to 293568.25
Date: 4/24/2018 12:12:13 PM
white snake
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Black Forest Boars
I think Marin changed Stamina to be accounted for in GS as all the sub patterns are broken: more stamina=your ideal minutes for GS are higher. I think it was stated by a BB.

Then of course there is a random component to it: even with ideal minutes you can get bad results and even with imperfect minutes you can get the best possible results.

I recall the change as well. I still would have preferred a button that would allow me to drop my player's stamina to 5.

Yep, Lemonshine and you are right. Marin changed the Stamina influence on the GS.
In Utopia I'm currently trying to build a FCP team. So Stamina is an important factor for me. Almost every player has now 7 or higher in Stamina. In my PL games I use only FCP and two weeks ago it kicked in quite nicely.
-3 after q3 and than my guys overrun the opponent with a 48:18 quarter. My guess is, that the other teams Stamina was used up and my guys had still some in their tank.

Last edited by Nachtmahr at 4/24/2018 1:17:27 PM

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293568.28 in reply to 293568.25
Date: 4/25/2018 3:52:43 AM
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I wish we were able to give some of one player's stamina to another player. The same thing with FTs. Heck, while I'm at it I could say the same for every skill XD