Looks like we have a new team in our midst
and NDB3 logged in just in time to avoid going bot
new team
Seoul Colosseums (277867)
and looks like we both lost popularity points Perpete
can't do nothing but to just laugh it off and hope we do a better job
Well, that‘s good and bad news in one. Good that they logged in, but I was hoping to get one of his young players (the MVP)...
and voting you down: don‘t know why. Just to make a point or show that they‘ve found the NT-pages at long last?
Congratulations on the win perpete! Great to see all three if my trainees contribute (well, Kang isn’t my trainee any longer but still feels a bit like that...). I‘ll try to give We better GS, don‘t know why he didn’t get a better one, his minutes were almost perfect. But I‘ve got the feeling that sometimes when playeres get a green arrow, GS drops or doesn’t go up despite good minutes. But I‘m happy for the green arrow, that skill will stay and hopefully I‘ll convince him to get even more of them despite his age and his playing at C and all
Statsman: you‘re doing the best job possible, I just hope to comtribute 1-2 new trainees for the next big run
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