máš pravdu, ale já své rvaní vlasů raději risknu i tak
Zde je prvotní Charlesova idea, JuicePats řekl, že to ve výsledku nakonec takhle víceméně bude vypadat, jaký máš názor?
Here's the idea that we've been pondering - all suggestions and improvements are welcomed. A number of details also need to be filled in (such as the prices associated with all of these), and we're open to suggestions here as well. With that said, here's the proposal:
There are three types of staff: doctors, trainers, and publicists. Each of them will have a rating from 1 to 10 as well as a specialty. The available specialties are:
- Surgery (Heal long-term injuries)
- Taping (Keep players with minor injuries in the game)
- Fitness (Help prevent injuries)
- Recovery (Heal short-term injuries)
Doctors have a baseline rate at which they do all of the above things depending upon their skill level, but a doctor with a given specialty will act as two levels above his rating when performing his best task.
- Extend Career (Older players drop more slowly)
- Rookies (Help players 18yo and 19yo get better)
- Stars (Help players above 15k in salary but below potential get better)
- New Methods (Help players who have reached their potential improve a bit more)
Trainers do all of these things at a rate depending upon their skill level, but a trainer with a given specialty will act as two levels above his rating when performing his best task.
- Big Market, advertising (Bring more fans to the arena for DI/DII teams)
- Medium Market, advertising (Bring more fans to the arena for DIII/DIV teams)
- Small Market, advertising (Bring more fans to the arena for DV+ teams)
- Big Market, growth (Develop the fan base more for DI/DII teams)
- Medium Market, growth (Develop the fan base more for DIII/DIV teams)
- Small market, growth (Develop the fan base more for DV+ teams)
Publicists do all of these things at a rate depending upon their skill level, but a publicist with a given specialty will act as two levels above his rating when performing his best task.
You can hire staff in one of two ways.
1) You can find a headhunter to create custom staff. You can choose both their skill level and their specialty. In return, you will pay a fixed rate which will be set every offseason and will be approximately a 60% premium on what the market rate is (see the second option).
2) Any staff who are fired go onto a transfer list where they can be hired by the highest bidder, disappearing from the game if there are no offers. You bid a weekly salary, and the highest bidder hires the new staff member. All staff will have minimum acceptable weekly salaries, below which they will not accept a job offer. These will be approximately half the headhunter price.
Hiring new staff costs two weeks' wages to release the old staff member. All staff members have a 5% salary increase every five weeks, with a cap somewhere above the "headhunter" number. The headhunter number will be regularly recalculated (probably every offseason) based upon market rates for different types of staff. Staff skills never change otherwise (no add or drop).
Existing staff will continue to stay on your team and drop in skill for as long as you would like to keep them, but when you fire them they will not go into the market. New players will continue to get a shared level-1 staff member who does not increase in wage over time and does not go into the pool when fired.