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Some suggestions

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138388.27 in reply to 138388.26
Date: 4/1/2010 4:44:39 PM
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the overall impürovement in free throws is pretty high, you get from 0% to ~40-50% with two trainings, and it is a good training in my eyes if you had some player with ft below average(and i aslo thing that it often trained).

Making it now faster would hurt the guys who trained it in the past, thats why i always carefully in changing core aspect with no real need.

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138388.28 in reply to 138388.27
Date: 4/1/2010 4:48:01 PM
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What about making the minimum free throw level mediocre?

You say there is no real need, but the need is to make the game more realistic. 0 from 58 free throws is unrealistic. A lucky fan would shoot better than that.

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138388.29 in reply to 138388.28
Date: 4/1/2010 4:54:56 PM
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because for me the fun counts, if you say the training system is unrealistic on free throw i say you the system is overall unrealistic for training but it is a funny compomnent even if players normally don't improve that fast at this age.

A extrem example of someone who can shoot free throws is Will Foster from Gonzaga university(still not that low level), i believe he started the season with 16 or 18 misses in a row and ends with 2-3 mades ddfree thows out of ~25. As i said maybe raising the efficiency to 10% would be enough for low level, and if you had a bad shooter on your rooster it would be a good choiche to train it it goes pretty fast to reach the 60%. But if ecerybody shoots 70 percent(medicore FT), the training get really mostly killed because you need much longer to raise percentage after this level in a significant way.

Edit: foster first free thwrow this season:

Last edited by CrazyEye at 4/1/2010 4:56:34 PM

This Post:
138388.30 in reply to 138388.29
Date: 4/1/2010 5:09:31 PM
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I'd be happy with atrocious being equal to 10% free throws :)

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138388.31 in reply to 138388.30
Date: 4/1/2010 5:11:50 PM
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the thing i like about the 10% is that it don't change much in the game, but gives a bit excitement when the guys shoots who have atrocious(min) FT - and this could lead to happy moment like the one of Foster in the vid.

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138388.32 in reply to 138388.31
Date: 4/1/2010 5:21:33 PM
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haha true, hopefully the BBs change this :) If we could have a BBs thoughts on this that would be great :)

From: Kivan

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138388.33 in reply to 138388.31
Date: 4/1/2010 6:56:13 PM
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maybe in addition to training doing something like what is done with experience?
a slight increase for every game, or every week a player played 48+ minutes... so it could go up by itself representing the general training of FT that every player does, but it could take a long time, and when specifically trained it gives a slightly better chance for an increase?

Last edited by Kivan at 4/1/2010 6:56:54 PM

From: CrazyEye

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138388.34 in reply to 138388.33
Date: 4/1/2010 7:51:05 PM
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why only for free throw, a player use also every other skill ;)

From: Kivan

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138388.35 in reply to 138388.34
Date: 4/1/2010 8:34:49 PM
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of course, but I imagine that more often than not a training ends with "gimme 50 FT" than "gimme 50 rebounds and 35 steals and 20 assists and whatever"

From: chihorn
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138388.36 in reply to 138388.35
Date: 4/2/2010 9:13:32 AM
New York Chunks
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If I had to propose something, I'd say that shifting a little of the FT training to JS training would make things a little more reasonable. We'd still have FT training, but maybe temper the pops by, say 10%, and shift that little bit of training over to JS. That would mean (for a 19-year-old) that for FT training, FT would pop typically with 2 weeks of training (not that different than now) with maybe a pop here or there taking 3 weeks, and with JS training FT would pop in about, say, 8 weeks (sort of like with JR, HA and DR do with JS training now). Surely, if FT are a separate skill, that skill is more affected by JS training than DR and HA!

Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!
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138388.37 in reply to 138388.36
Date: 4/2/2010 6:58:57 PM
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I guess, but it still doesn't solve the problem. Consider your player that has atrocious free throw skill. At 2-3 weeks a pop, it's going to take you about 10 weeks of training free throws to get it up to mediocre. And that results in 1 pop in Jump shot only.

Doesn't seem worth it, however it is still an improvement on the current system.
