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142125.28 in reply to 142125.27
Date: 4/27/2010 7:05:43 PM
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It's better than -$40K.

I don't know how you're complaining about your situation when like everyone else said, you should've seen this coming.

My strategy is to try and keep my weekly income above $30K. And to SAVE, SAVE, SAVE

Think of this in a business aspect. Just because you're selling a lot of products, doesn't mean you're making money. In actuality, relating to your situation, it's like selling products for less than what it cost.

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142125.29 in reply to 142125.28
Date: 4/27/2010 7:14:42 PM
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this is my 2nd season and i am easily making 130 K weekly income. so it's not that bad for u to start over.

From: rcvaz

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142125.31 in reply to 142125.30
Date: 4/27/2010 7:34:50 PM
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That's the "problem" with training big men, with proper training their salaries go sky high in an instant. In your case you didn't go up a division so there was no extra revenue to make up for the extra salaries. I've not played this game long enough to face such problems, but I would expect teams to sell their prospects if they can't afford them anymore and buy/train cheaper alternatives.

But you've got to agree that you're paying way too much for staff! You make much more money in attendance + merch than the other teams in your league so you can afford to have a more expensive salary sheet. It was the staff that dragged you down. And also their salaries keep increasing, so a big problem just became bigger

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142125.32 in reply to 142125.30
Date: 4/27/2010 8:08:54 PM
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Thats what happens when you train guys. They would want more money the following season. Especially when you have a high level trainer.

I don't think being away is an excuse. You were making -40k a week and it would have taken you like 12-13 weeks to go from $0 to -$500k which is plenty of time for you to notice that there was a problem and need to be addressed.

Seriously, sack your trainer. You don't need a level 5+ trainer especially when you can not afford it. The salary rises of the players will kill your cash flow the following season

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142125.33 in reply to 142125.26
Date: 4/27/2010 8:18:15 PM
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Just for reference i am making 360k+ profit per week but my staff salaries are 50k. Seriously why do you need so expensive staff? Its a players game not doctors/PR/trainers competition. The answer is very simple. Fire all those useless staff, sell a few players. just to save your team, and pretend that you just started to play, using your knowledge that you earn with the hard way...

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142125.34 in reply to 142125.33
Date: 4/27/2010 10:15:16 PM
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Seriously guys it isnt because his players went up in salary its because he had a lot of unnecessary staff salaries. For the guys he has they have to much of a weekly salary.


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142125.35 in reply to 142125.26
Date: 4/27/2010 11:19:46 PM
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I sold a player and only got 50k for him, I never make any money, stadium was always empty last season and this season, I don't make enough to pay the staff. It's also close to impossible to buy a trainer that is lv 5 and up.

Oh well.

1. The player you sold is a 27-year-old with star potential who makes just over $5K/week. Seems like $60K might be a fair price for him.

2. You're making about $264K/week. That's not nothing.

3. Your stadium is probably empty because you're overcharging for tickets. Rather than raise prices by 12 to 30 percent, as you're scheduled to do on May 22, you should reduce them. Adjusting prices is a game of diminishing returns. Consider that if you were to sell 1200 more bleacher seats at $13 than you sold for $15 in your last game, you would make about $5K more (6,499 seats * $13 = $84,487 versus 5,299 seats * $15 = $79,485). Obviously, if you could get that many more fans in the bleachers with $14 tickets, you would make another $6,500. Which means you should also pay attention to how many more seats you can sell per dollar of price reduction.

4. Every single person on this board is 1000% correct that you are horribly overpaying each of your staff members. I would follow chris902's advice if I were you.

5. Of course it's difficult for you to buy a level 5 trainer -- you're broke. I paid over $500,000 for mine, but his weekly salary started below $16,000 and I'll keep him for months. You could get one with a more expensive weekly price tag for less money up front. Or you could go with a level 4, which isn't much of a step down.

With a little more fiscal awareness, your team could come back strong. There's a lot of teams that have built their way up in this game, so there's definitely a path to success. It requires being somewhat ruthless when it comes to cutting waste and maximizing revenue-- just like any real business.

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142125.37 in reply to 142125.36
Date: 4/28/2010 9:27:20 AM
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he doesn't have to get ride of his trainer , but it would save him another 60 - 70k income. I don't understand when I was finishing 4th in Div 4 constantly I was still making 40 - 70k a game. When I got serious about things after I got my stadium up to where it is now 13k seating and put my ticket prices right and made my push to win Div 4 I was making 160 - 180k. Now in Div 3 I started making 220k and after moving up I am losing a lot more I am down to 113k.

Just watch what you are doing, grow your players and trainers at the right times and it all works out. Worse case scenario you should have to sale 1 player and get ride of 2 of your staff and your a back outta the red in a few weeks.

