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SG shooting in Look Inside

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From: Koperboy

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203114.27 in reply to 203114.11
Date: 11/24/2011 4:51:04 AM
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I think it was you who said LI is a very versatile offense; if bigs can't score, your perimeter players will take the load. I think that's what happened here. Your guy has very high JS compared to the rest of his skills and I guess half of his shots you can contribute to this. The other half of shots I'd contribute to his bad passing/opponent's high OD who prevented him from finding a big, so he had to shoot the ball himself.

I also noticed that in a lot of offenses it's SG who gets the ball most often and it depends on his skills what he will do with it.

Take a look at this recent game of mine: (39910789). My SG Zorin didn't take the most shots because he has 12 PA (hence the 9 assists). My SF has 6 PA and he took 5 more shots instead of dishing more assists. It's also true Zorin has much lower JR than Maierle, but PA was the key here. In the meanwhile, Polh (OI) took the most shots because of mismatch and because he has the highest JS and JR among my players. That's also why I like PtB over LI - because GE selects the best man for the job. I know Polh missed a lot, but hey...I'd also select him to take most of the shots.

Last edited by Koperboy at 11/24/2011 4:59:18 AM

From: myToast
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203114.28 in reply to 203114.27
Date: 11/24/2011 6:22:57 AM
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your offense isn't very clicking
and ur SG got the hot potato and guess what he shot
and the more he shot the more he miss
and so he shot his head out

this is a particular status of a player out of his control
and ur team failed to adjust (due to the strong Def of the opponent)

this game isn't very out of the world, because the team rating showed most of the story
wait until u see the opponent TIE with a lower ID, then u will forget all this.

This Post:
203114.29 in reply to 203114.26
Date: 11/24/2011 10:04:48 AM
The Black Roses
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If what you are trying to say is that it was a bug, then I would suggest you stop playing.

There are games like these. Some strange things will happen. Take my last game for example (against Spartak) Or this game:

You may notice that in this game my team was in bonus FT, was leading decently and scored 2 (!) points in the last 6 minutes of the game. Thats two points out of the 20 they scored for the quarter. Yes, things like these happen. But most people suck it up and move on.

If you are calling foul play you should ask yourself why exactly are you playing this game. I know I enjoy all the little hickups and missteps and all the fun matches there are.

This Post:
203114.31 in reply to 203114.26
Date: 11/24/2011 3:58:06 PM
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Why do I keep seeing threads started by you, with you complaining a bunch?

From: SplitJ
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203114.33 in reply to 203114.31
Date: 11/24/2011 8:16:05 PM
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man, why does single thing happen to you are bugs....

if you want a SG who score in a LI offense, look at my season 17 games. my SG take a ton of shots in my LI offense and oh he actually shoot well.

This Post:
203114.35 in reply to 203114.34
Date: 11/25/2011 12:16:23 AM
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whenever i have a game like this (ie: where something happend which i didnt expect), i always think about the game from a glass half full perspective.

That is - The game engine has devised a process, based on your tactics, to best score. In other words, if the game engine didnt do this, and in fact, say, let your inside players take all the shots, then maybe the scoreline would have actually been worse? Maybe all your pf/c would have shot 1-25 or something like that.

who knows. anyways, thats the outlook that i take on games like that. makes me sleep at night :)

But it would be nice if other people who have experienced similar Look inside oddities could post, so that this could be analysed as why.
my theory is that his passing was so low, it was better for him to try and shoot as opposed to try and pass to another player.

From: SplitJ

This Post:
203114.36 in reply to 203114.34
Date: 11/25/2011 12:59:06 AM
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so what when I play patient, my 120k pg going up against a 15k PG. I am expecting him to score a high percentage but he brick a ton so why?

and my all around SF didnt even take many shots...


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203114.37 in reply to 203114.32
Date: 11/25/2011 1:17:33 AM
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I gotta ask: you taking Abilify or Zoloft?

What happened to the old Wolph? Still controversial and argumentative, minus the snark. I've gotta get my mother in-law on whatever you're taking. It's working!
