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incompetent nt coaches

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From: minde

This Post:
212087.27 in reply to 212087.26
Date: 3/10/2012 6:05:04 AM
No Good News
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Second Team:
Backyard Brawlers
I'd say that Lithuanian community is quite communicative and usually elects the right person to run the NT or U-21, but now.. We had, as I would say quite good coach with a very good staff (one of them became our NT coach).. But then our U21 coach got banned, and GMs selected another person to run our U21, who had 10 votes (!) in earlier NT elections. That new coach is like a troll who doesn't say anything useful in our forums and he got a chance to annoy everybody. And now he is every day saying that he is the best coach but he makes mistakes one after another.. And he doesn't listen to anybody, because he knows better.. And in one of his posts yesterday he admitted that he is ruining everything not for him, but and for other future coaches, and that there are a lot of things that we (community) now do not know that are damaged by him..
So, that's why I said that NT coach can do whatever he wants..
P.S. Sorry for my English, hope You understood me..

From: B.B.King

This Post:
212087.28 in reply to 212087.27
Date: 3/10/2012 10:02:57 AM
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I think in Lietuva You have big problem with NT/U21 coaches. In season 15 Your NT coach was banned as well, so 2 banned NT/U21 coaches for 4 seasons doesn't look like right persons were usually elected.

But I don't agree that NT coach has to listen community. It isn't democracy where 50% + 1 can decide and always say that their decision was right ;-)

94% of BB managers (15 of 16) will not win their league in current season. So in this game usually majority is wrong and sometimes it's better to listen 6% than 94% ;-)

Of course after cadency (sometimes after few weeks) it's easy to recognize whether NT coach is from good minority or bad majority ;-)

From: B.B.King

This Post:
212087.30 in reply to 212087.29
Date: 3/10/2012 12:15:05 PM
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Afaik bans for NT coaches usually are officially announced on forum by GM, so we can repeat this fact and we don't break rules (at least as long as we don't discuss reason or justice of this ban, etc). Community deserves to know what happened with their NT coach and why NT coach was changed. And it will be funny to pretend on forum that nobody saw this information (especially if thread with announcement was sticked by GM).

I know many examples of bans for NT coaches, most (or maybe even all) of them from GMs - I suppose they know rules.

This Post:
212087.32 in reply to 212087.31
Date: 3/10/2012 4:24:48 PM
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It's funny, because I saw it few times. Here is one of examples, which I remember the most: (178602.1).
As I said before: it's hard to pretend on forum that nothing happened.

This Post:
212087.33 in reply to 212087.26
Date: 3/10/2012 7:11:08 PM
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Best thing to do is look for NT players in your nation where you are active and know for sure he is gonna be a good player for the team (if yo uwant NT money). Naturally you ahve to do your part, GS, training pops etc. so its a give and take.

I prefer my foreign players to be on NTs, however I dont do it for the money. Its really not worth chasing the mini-bonus you get, especially if the players come from laughingstock countries. Not to mention the hassle with the coaches...

Too bad the game provides us with a racist fanbase, that forces you to own domestic/native/red-blooded guys.

From: B.B.King

This Post:
212087.37 in reply to 212087.36
Date: 3/11/2012 10:00:21 AM
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Listening to the views of the community does not mean submitting to their wants.

It's only empty phrase. Because if NT coach listens community (it means he reads all opinions and considers it) but makes different thing (even better), than community always says, that NT coach doesn't listen community ;-)

The one who wins the league is not necessarily the best manager around (...)

It doesn't matter, it was only one of possible examples. We can create different table, for example who made the best result in comparision to potential of his squad. And still in every league 15 of 16 managers will be worse than one of them ;-) We can use any criterion and result will be always the same ;-)

It's paradox. Always less than 50% of managers make better result than expected. However, if less than 50% of managers claim on forum that certain idea is good, than majority claims that minority is wrong ;-) Majority decides which idea/opinion on forum is officially considered as good, however good managers (better than average) are in minority ;-)

I don't claim that minority is always right and majority is always wrong. I only recommend to be careful if You read forum. Very often opinion of one manager is better than opinion of fifteen managers.
