oh &...
Also, you talk about a 1-3-1 being useless against a good LI attack, but once again it is because teams aren't built properly to run it. Everyone thinks so one dimensionally on here so no teams are built properly for these others defenses. If you were to take your time and build for something other than M2M or 3-2 you would fine that the other defenses are not "broke" and can be run just as effectively.
First off, I never said 1-3-1 or any other defenses were "broke". (Nor did I even use that word once). And 1-3-1 isn't supposed to that great vs. look inside. It's obviously meant to slow down outside offense. Which it does. At the expense of inside defense & rebounding. Were 1-3-1 super effective vs. look inside as well... well there would be no point using anything else, would there? (Also, 1-3-1 & every other defense works without needing to build a team around it, except 2-3 zone)
A 2-3 defense can be very effective in real life, just like it could be on here.
However the point is to stop a LI. And not only stop it, but shut it down.
how many NBA teams run mainly zone? They only use it as a change of pace or out of complete desperation for portions of a game. (any longer & the opposition *will* start to pick it apart). It's lower levels of basketball that run more zone as they're less talented & need to. But here, it seems it needs to be the opposite. It's like you need exceptional players to run zone effectively. And the players that need the 2-3 zone boost the most actually get worse with it.