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Deutschland - III.2 > Saison 29- Ligagesabbel

Saison 29- Ligagesabbel

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263455.27 in reply to 263455.26
Date: 10/24/2014 14:14:52
Overall Posts Rated:
Naja, hat sicher auch nicht geholfen, dass du deine Spieler gestern nochmal für 1 Mio verkauft hast.

Du würdest übrigens schneller pleite gehen, wenn du deine neuen Spieler auf der Bank läßt und alle Spiele verlierst. Dann rennen dir die Fans auch nicht so lang die Bude ein und schmeißen dir ihr sauer verdientes Geld in den Rachen.

This Post:
263455.28 in reply to 263455.27
Date: 10/25/2014 16:10:53
Overall Posts Rated:
Day 3 (Saturday 25 October 2014) : Performances by (

Night results
Troumblers 85 - Krähen 76
Hamburgs Finest BC 72 - BV Garrel 103
Bc Jayhausen (good old times) 91 - BG K-M-S 99 100
St.Adtfeld Hoops 66 - Bilderberg Club 87
Saxony-Kings 53 - ladypower 102
Vampirfrösche 72 - Showtime Milicic 85
Blankenburger Metrostars 85 - AEK ATHENS B.C. 98
Palantiri Minas 83 - Real Borussia 89

Best collective performance of the evening
Points : 103 : BV Garrel
Rebounds : 60 : BG K-M-S 99
Assists : 23 : BG K-M-S 99, BV Garrel, Blankenburger Metrostars
Steals : 14 : Showtime Milicic
Block Shots : 12 : ladypower

Personal best performances of the evening
Points : 45 : M. Kuernsteiner (Bc Jayhausen (good old times))
Rebounds : 20 : M. Rehderbrücke (Bilderberg Club), M. Venturanza (ladypower)
Assists : 13 : D. Askenen (Troumblers)
Steals : 4 : Y. Qiri (BG K-M-S 99), Y. Barreau (Showtime Milicic), M. Chavoshi (ladypower)
Block Shots : 5 : J. Belengué (BV Garrel)

Top 5 of the evening
Point Guard : D. Askenen (Troumblers) (20 Points, 6 Rebounds, 13 Assists, 2 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 28
Shooting Guard : U. Brych (Palantiri Minas) (23 Points, 4 Rebounds, 7 Assists, 2 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 27
Small Forward : M. Tarterini (Bilderberg Club) (39 Points, 7 Rebounds, 3 Assists, 3 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 31
Power Forward : A. Camprodon (BG K-M-S 99) (21 Points, 19 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 1 Steals, 1 Block Shots), Y. Alamaniotis (Blankenburger Metrostars) (27 Points, 9 Rebounds, 5 Assists, 2 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 35
Center : M. Venturanza (ladypower) (10 Points, 20 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 0 Steals, 4 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 31

MVP of the evening
A. Camprodon (BG K-M-S 99) (21 Points, 19 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 1 Steals, 1 Block Shots), Y. Alamaniotis (Blankenburger Metrostars) (27 Points, 9 Rebounds, 5 Assists, 2 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 35

The bad performance of the evening
A. Murrell (Hamburgs Finest BC) (3 Points, 1 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 0 Steals, 0 Block Shots), : Efficiency : -8

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens : G. Hezler (Saxony-Kings), E. Gruendl (Showtime Milicic), T. Ze Seng (St.Adtfeld Hoops) : 6 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees : E. Wiederstein (Krähen), A. Fasani (Hamburgs Finest BC), É. Goy (Blankenburger Metrostars), E. Gürsoy (Blankenburger Metrostars) : 6 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man : N. Augenreich (Real Borussia), Y. Qiri (BG K-M-S 99), A. Stoebner (Vampirfrösche), T. Raphaelyan (Bc Jayhausen (good old times)), M. Kuernsteiner (Bc Jayhausen (good old times)), M. Rehderbrücke (Bilderberg Club), S. Moutafis (AEK ATHENS B.C.), A. Kalopoulos (AEK ATHENS B.C.), R. Alexandridis (AEK ATHENS B.C.), D. Junbo (Hamburgs Finest BC), O. Robatsch (St.Adtfeld Hoops), M. Heusinger (St.Adtfeld Hoops), K. Clarke (Palantiri Minas), A. Malsburg (Blankenburger Metrostars) : 48 Minutes

The shooter : M. Kuernsteiner (Bc Jayhausen (good old times)) : 6 Three points

The best performer : L. Kaisenberg (Real Borussia) : Rating : 18.0

The worst performer : J. Friz (Vampirfrösche) : Rating : 5.0

This Post:
263455.29 in reply to 263455.28
Date: 10/25/2014 16:11:17
Overall Posts Rated:
Season 29 : Performances (by (

Best collective performance of the season
Points : 318 : ladypower
Rebounds : 181 : BG K-M-S 99
Assists : 83 : ladypower
Steals : 29 : Real Borussia
Block Shots : 22 : BV Garrel

Personal best performances of the season
Points : 45 : L. Schauenburg (Krähen), M. Kuernsteiner (Bc Jayhausen (good old times))
Rebounds : 24 : J. Zampatti (Saxony-Kings)
Assists : 13 : D. Askenen (Troumblers)
Steals : 6 : D. Askenen (Troumblers)
Block Shots : 5 : E. García (Saxony-Kings), J. Belengué (BV Garrel), F. Holzmüller (Bilderberg Club)

Top 5 of the season
Point Guard : L. Schauenburg (Krähen) (34.7 Points, 5.7 Rebounds, 4 Assists, 1.7 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 23.3
Shooting Guard : M. Kuernsteiner (Bc Jayhausen (good old times)) (40 Points, 4.3 Rebounds, 3 Assists, 2 Steals, 0.3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 30.7
Small Forward : M. Konetschig (Showtime Milicic) (29.5 Points, 8 Rebounds, 0.5 Assists, 2 Steals, 2.5 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 25
Power Forward : H. Lauda (BV Garrel) (26 Points, 13 Rebounds, 0.3 Assists, 1 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 30.7
Center : L. Pemartín (AEK ATHENS B.C.) (19 Points, 14.7 Rebounds, 1.3 Assists, 1 Steals, 1.7 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 28

MVP of the season
H. Lauda (BV Garrel) (26 Points, 13 Rebounds, 0.3 Assists, 1 Steals, 1 Block Shots), M. Kuernsteiner (Bc Jayhausen (good old times)) (40 Points, 4.3 Rebounds, 3 Assists, 2 Steals, 0.3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 30.7

The bad performance of the season
A. Murrell (Hamburgs Finest BC) (3 Points, 1 Rebounds, 0 Assists, 0 Steals, 0 Block Shots), : Efficiency : -8

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens during the season : J. Butragueño (AEK ATHENS B.C.) : 12 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees during the season : E. Wiederstein (Krähen) : 17 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man of the season : D. Junbo (Hamburgs Finest BC) : 144 Minutes

The shooter of the season : M. Kuernsteiner (Bc Jayhausen (good old times)) : 18 Three points

The best performer of the season : L. Kaisenberg (Real Borussia) : Rating : 18.0

The worst performer of the season : J. Friz (Vampirfrösche) : Rating : 3.0

From: Jayjay
This Post:
263455.30 in reply to 263455.29
Date: 10/27/2014 16:43:25
Overall Posts Rated:
Und tschüss der nächste - aber auf dem eher normalen Weg.
Kein Pleite gehen, sondern normal Spiele verlieren und absteigen.
Pokal Runde 1 den schwerer Gegner, Runde 2 kommt das Ausscheiden - Finanziell alles andere als auf Rosen gebettet, im Gegenteil.
Bleibt ein Team mit meinen beiden eigenen Talenten, die erwachsen geworden sind.
Ich werd ein wenig in Liga 4 rumdümpeln und dabei wohl den Spaß verlieren.

Viel Spaß euch noch.

This Post:
263455.31 in reply to 263455.30
Date: 10/27/2014 16:57:35
Overall Posts Rated:
Schade. Ich hoffe, der Spass kommt in Liga 4 zurück!

This Post:
263455.32 in reply to 263455.31
Date: 10/28/2014 14:46:31
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TJa, es wäre zwar schön, aber sehen wir es mal realistisch - was mit BuzzerBeater derzeit passiert ist ein langsames dahinsiechen. Spielerschwund, dadurch Preisverfall, Einnahmen-Ausgaben Defizit, wenn man oben mitspielen will.

Im Grunde können jetzt alle auf Sparflamme spielen (2 Absteiger stehen schon fest), BG KMS wirds dieses Jahr machen, wenn seine Arroganz ihm nicht wieder im Halse stecken bleibt.

Ich werd noch ein wenig gucken, wie die Liga läuft. Dir viel Erfolg und danke für die tollen Statistiken.

From: Sunzi

This Post:
263455.33 in reply to 263455.32
Date: 10/28/2014 14:52:45
Overall Posts Rated:
Welche zwei Absteiger meinst du?

Schauenburg mit 61!

From: smash99

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263455.34 in reply to 263455.32
Date: 10/28/2014 14:57:13
Overall Posts Rated:
welche arroganz?
haste mal aufgepasst? mein gegner hatte so viel luck...also bitte. mehr konnte ich nicht machen, sollte halt einfach nicht sein...

From: Jayjay

This Post:
263455.35 in reply to 263455.34
Date: 10/28/2014 15:30:19
Overall Posts Rated:
Das war eher die Anspielung auf dein gesamtes Verhalten hier der letzten Jahre.
Ich gebe zu, dass ich einer (von wohl mehreren) bin, der von dem Ergebnis positiv amüsiert war.

Die Engine ist doch immer mehr als Fair (oder etwa nicht :) ?)

This Post:
263455.36 in reply to 263455.35
Date: 10/28/2014 16:49:48
Overall Posts Rated:
Wo du grad Statistiken erwähnst:

Day 4 (Tuesday 28 October 2014) : Performances by (

Night results
AEK ATHENS B.C. 75 - Palantiri Minas 96
Real Borussia 76 - Troumblers 91
Krähen 99 - Hamburgs Finest BC 77
BV Garrel 104 - Blankenburger Metrostars 91
BG K-M-S 99 93 - St.Adtfeld Hoops 79
Bilderberg Club 77 - Saxony-Kings 63
ladypower 77 - Vampirfrösche 97
Showtime Milicic 125 - Bc Jayhausen (good old times) 34

Best collective performance of the evening
Points : 125 : Showtime Milicic
Rebounds : 70 : Blankenburger Metrostars
Assists : 27 : Showtime Milicic, Palantiri Minas
Steals : 18 : Showtime Milicic
Block Shots : 10 : Bilderberg Club, Showtime Milicic

Personal best performances of the evening
Points : 61 : L. Schauenburg (Krähen)
Rebounds : 21 : Y. Alamaniotis (Blankenburger Metrostars)
Assists : 9 : M. Dornig (ladypower)
Steals : 5 : Y. Papachristos (Showtime Milicic)
Block Shots : 3 : W. Bans (BG K-M-S 99), K. Várnai (Troumblers), C. Kwang Sun (Saxony-Kings), F. Wildenhain (Vampirfrösche), R. Lavoie (Bilderberg Club), A. Fasani (Hamburgs Finest BC), Y. Papachristos (Showtime Milicic)

Top 5 of the evening
Point Guard : L. Schauenburg (Krähen) (61 Points, 7 Rebounds, 4 Assists, 3 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 53
Shooting Guard : Y. Papachristos (Showtime Milicic) (41 Points, 3 Rebounds, 8 Assists, 5 Steals, 3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 50
Small Forward : N. Miličić (Showtime Milicic) (17 Points, 6 Rebounds, 7 Assists, 4 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 27
Power Forward : B. Wolanin (ladypower) (30 Points, 17 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 1 Steals, 0 Block Shots), S. Amiot (Palantiri Minas) (22 Points, 14 Rebounds, 3 Assists, 2 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 36
Center : L. Kaisenberg (Real Borussia) (36 Points, 11 Rebounds, 1 Assists, 1 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 42

MVP of the evening
L. Schauenburg (Krähen) (61 Points, 7 Rebounds, 4 Assists, 3 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 53

The bad performance of the evening
M. Kölle (Bc Jayhausen (good old times)) (4 Points, 8 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 0 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : -10

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens : M. Kölle (Bc Jayhausen (good old times)) : 9 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees : W. Bans (BG K-M-S 99), E. García (Saxony-Kings), J. Friz (Vampirfrösche), A. Lauerer (Bc Jayhausen (good old times)), M. Vogelrain (AEK ATHENS B.C.), S. Zadunayskiy (St.Adtfeld Hoops), S. Wen Ho (Blankenburger Metrostars) : 6 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man : L. Kaisenberg (Real Borussia), H. Brockmann (Vampirfrösche), F. Holzmüller (Bilderberg Club), J. Butragueño (AEK ATHENS B.C.), D. Passone (AEK ATHENS B.C.), M. Vogelrain (AEK ATHENS B.C.), A. Karterouliotis (AEK ATHENS B.C.), G. Mpoumplis (AEK ATHENS B.C.), D. Junbo (Hamburgs Finest BC), J. Lüderwaldt (St.Adtfeld Hoops), Y. Lisse-Treuchel (Palantiri Minas) : 48 Minutes

The shooter : Y. Papachristos (Showtime Milicic) : 5 Three points

The best performer : Y. Papachristos (Showtime Milicic) : Rating : 16.5

The worst performer : C. Seiffertitz (Bc Jayhausen (good old times)) : Rating : 3.0

This Post:
263455.37 in reply to 263455.36
Date: 10/28/2014 16:50:23
Overall Posts Rated:
Season 29 : Performances (by (

Best collective performance of the season
Points : 395 : ladypower
Rebounds : 242 : BG K-M-S 99
Assists : 100 : ladypower
Steals : 45 : Showtime Milicic
Block Shots : 30 : BV Garrel

Personal best performances of the season
Points : 61 : L. Schauenburg (Krähen)
Rebounds : 24 : J. Zampatti (Saxony-Kings)
Assists : 13 : D. Askenen (Troumblers)
Steals : 6 : D. Askenen (Troumblers)
Block Shots : 5 : E. García (Saxony-Kings), J. Belengué (BV Garrel), F. Holzmüller (Bilderberg Club)

Top 5 of the season
Point Guard : L. Schauenburg (Krähen) (41.3 Points, 6 Rebounds, 4 Assists, 2 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 30.8
Shooting Guard : M. Kuernsteiner (Bc Jayhausen (good old times)) (40 Points, 4.3 Rebounds, 3 Assists, 2 Steals, 0.3 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 30.7
Small Forward : E. Vereshchagin (St.Adtfeld Hoops) (11.8 Points, 9.5 Rebounds, 3.3 Assists, 0 Steals, 2 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 21.5
Power Forward : Y. Alamaniotis (Blankenburger Metrostars) (20.5 Points, 14.5 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 1 Steals, 0.5 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 28
Center : L. Kaisenberg (Real Borussia) (20.3 Points, 10.3 Rebounds, 1.5 Assists, 0.5 Steals, 1.8 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 28.3

MVP of the season
L. Schauenburg (Krähen) (41.3 Points, 6 Rebounds, 4 Assists, 2 Steals, 0 Block Shots) : Efficiency : 30.8

The bad performance of the season
M. Kölle (Bc Jayhausen (good old times)) (4 Points, 8 Rebounds, 2 Assists, 0 Steals, 1 Block Shots) : Efficiency : -10

All kinds of statistics
The player who forgot to remove his mittens during the season : J. Butragueño (AEK ATHENS B.C.) : 14 Turnovers

Player targeted by the referees during the season : D. Zeilikovicius (ladypower) : 20 Personnal Fouls

The iron-man of the season : D. Junbo (Hamburgs Finest BC) : 192 Minutes

The shooter of the season : M. Kuernsteiner (Bc Jayhausen (good old times)) : 18 Three points

The best performer of the season : L. Kaisenberg (Real Borussia) : Rating : 18.0

The worst performer of the season : J. Friz (Vampirfrösche), C. Seiffertitz (Bc Jayhausen (good old times)) : Rating : 3.0
