If anybody fancies an NBA sim as GM, there are two teams available. The draft is complete so I can't guarantee what either team is like or what your cap position is like, probably terrible. But it'd be a good challenge!
Morwood is one of the players, most of the rest are pinoy. They seem a good group who are mad-keen on the NBA (they're pinoy) and well-organised at running this kind of GM sim. The games are calculated using real, I think. Anyway, go and have a look around if you're interested. I'm Doug Moe of the Denver Nuggets.
We had to throw out the GM of OKC, as he was also the GM of Memphis!
(so there are two teams up for grabs). OKC is currently leading the West (with my lot not far behind) if anyone is up for the challenge.
Also, I was wrong in my first post, the sim engine uses
Last edited by Elmacca at 6/3/2015 7:55:35 AM