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BB Srbija > A reprezentacija

A reprezentacija

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From: BUM

This Post:
313374.271 in reply to 313374.270
Date: 8/24/2023 1:38:58 PM
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Sve u svemu kapa dole, imaš moj glas i podršku dok si BB živ. Pozdrav i srećno i ove sezone.☝️

This Post:
313374.273 in reply to 313374.272
Date: 8/24/2023 4:44:38 PM
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Koliko ima samo fraza koje bi sad mogle da se iskoriste, shodno zalopojkama. Ko gubi ima... Pa onda jos bolja, Ko o cemu...

For Mr alpha and omega CM Alonso.

We can tell you are right in everything you wrote, but you are not. But explain to me, why there is always a fuss when some little bb nation make agreement. You, as the alpha and omega of this game, should be happy that little Serbia won a medal. It turns out that we didn't deserve it, that we cheated the whole season, hacked the engine. The medal was certainly around our neck, manager just used the opportunity to try to secure silver instead of bronze.
Even if he was wrong. Tell me, convince me. Lie to me if you have to.
This match (70639). The only match in history that New Zealand did not field a line-up. Only. The biggest defeat in the history of the community. By accident? Tell me, convince me. We come to the point that you are not interested in it because it is from another continent. And I'm interested. Man, that's stealing. The first medal in the history of Korea. And silence. Why? Because the coach is the GM? Well, we can't go to him. We are all the same here, at least we should be. When someone attacked him, the coach of the Philippines and whoever else, everyone defend him. Why? We are afraid of the ban or something. Be honest Alonso. "Big guys" and "BB forces" can cheat, make agreement, do everything is neded for success. Other? Noooot. Korean medal is wooow. Goood job mate. Serbian medal, is shit. Cheaters.

Ko o cemu..

Jedna je Srbija, ...

Verovatno ex Mod Miladin Sobic sa ljubavlju

This Post:
313374.275 in reply to 313374.274
Date: 8/24/2023 5:15:25 PM
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Mate... You know what I mean, but ok. I know that you arent stupid. We can speak a lot about draft, about HOF and Atg (what is that?). But.. We also can speak about Korea? But, you skip that part. Enough for me.
I wish you all the best. A gold medal next season on WC, you deserve it.

This Post:
313374.276 in reply to 313374.272
Date: 8/24/2023 7:19:53 PM
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Second Team:
In which cranny of the bb were you living in, if you weren't aware that tie vs tie arrangements are made all the time!? I've been a NT coach for 6 seasons in total, and there's been only 1 season in which someone hasn't offered me to play a tie vs tie game. There have even been semifinal matches in the past played normal vs normal, so that whichever country wins, would have a bigger enthusiasm in the final.

If anything, Serbia has gotten the short end of the stick several times in the past, because of the arrangements that other bigger bb nations were making.

Bosnia didn't give up the game. Our enthusiasm was the same, our squads are similar in quality, and we played with equal attitude. Nothing would have changed if ct vs ct was played. In the game, Bosnia had better team ratings, and better points per 100 shots in 3/5 positions, so 20p difference for Serbia wasn't realistic. If this game was simulated multiple times, I'm sure that most games would have been much closer.

Here's a link to the game manual: (
Calling someone a liar, a cheater, naïve, and ignorant (among other things) is violating at least two bb rules, so please do us all a favor and remove yourself from the forum.

You've chosen a wrong forum to ask for a tissue to wipe your tears.

From: krmelj

This Post:
313374.277 in reply to 313374.272
Date: 8/24/2023 8:19:42 PM
Prva Liga
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Second Team:
First of all, you don't know me to give me such accusations, and secondly, I've never been a fraud or a liar in real life or here.
I really don't understand how you don't get it. I know you don't like deals, but this was just an offer. Ct or tie. The Bosnian coach had every right to refuse and to say that he would perform with ct, in that case, we would do the same, and that's what I wrote to him. He didn't hand us anything on a plate, he just accepted the offer because it didn't matter to their national team. And that is all. The fact that others thought we played with this or that effort is not my problem. I don't know who agreed what with whom and how they played, but I know that there were agreements and disclosure of the efforts of other national teams.

I'll not be like you, so I wish Israel all the best in the world cup and that you will be decorated with a medal because you deserve it with your efforts.

This Post:
313374.278 in reply to 313374.277
Date: 8/25/2023 4:57:23 PM
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Dorcol Utopia
U sustini, ovaj majstor je apsolutno u pravu - Bosna je igrala poslednji mec i apsolutno nije sportski, ni takmicarski da igra tie i cuva ent Da li bismo se mi zalili da je neki nas rival dogovorio tie? Itekako. Sama cinjenica da je nesto dogovoreno, vec u startu ostavlja los utisak. Igras protiv drugog svojim znanjem i onim cime raspolazes, ako radite zajedno, to vas stavlja u povlascen polozaj u odnosu na druge. I nije ovo usamljeni primer, ne mislim samo na meceve NT

This Post:
313374.279 in reply to 313374.1
Date: 8/26/2023 6:27:26 AM
KK Dumbarajko
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Da svi isključe dogovore pa ok.


Samo sledeći put možda ne mora baš toliko detaljno objašnjenje na forumu

This Post:
313374.280 in reply to 313374.278
Date: 8/26/2023 10:13:32 AM
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Second Team:
Da li bismo se mi zalili da je neki nas rival dogovorio tie? Itekako.

Ne secam se da je bilo koji nas selektor isao na strane forume da se zali na dogovaranja drugih reprezentacija. Dogovaranje zalaganja je sastavni deo BB-a, svidelo se to nama ili ne. Meni se to ne svidja, i ne radim sa svojim klubom, ali entuzijazam na NT nivou funkcionise drugacije nego kod klubova, opada dosta sporije, i svaki odigran TIE je dosta vredniji. Zato i ima brda dogovaranja.

Primer kod klubova: Neka 2 tima koja ne igraju kup odigraju 12 prvenstvenih meceva sa pocetnim entuzijazmom 5. Ako TIM A odigra sve utakmice TIE, za 13. utakmicu bi trebalo da ima entuzijazam oko 9.3. Ako TIM B odigra svaku drugu utakmicu normal, za 13. utakmicu bi trebalo da ima entuzijazam oko 7.2. Razlika postoji naravno, ali nije prevelika.

Primer kod NT-a: Neka 2 reprezentacije odigraju 12 meceva na EP-u. Ako REPREZENTACIJA A odigra sve utakmice TIE, za 13. utakmicu u 1/2 finalu bi trebalo da ima entuzijazam 19+. Ako REPREZENTACIJA B odigra svaku drugu utakmicu normal, za 13. utakmicu u 1/2 finalu bi trebalo da ima entuzijazam oko 11.5. Razlika je ogromna. Pogotovo je bitno da se ta poslednja utakmica u 2. fazi odigra TIE, jer se 1/2 finale igra u petak, a izmedju pon-pet se entuzijazam ne smanjuje kod NT-a.

Ako je cilj da ne bude dogovaranja na NT nivou, BB-ovci ce morati da promene nacin na koji NT entuzijazam funkcionise. Dokle god entuzijazam bude imao toliko veliku ulogu kod NT-a, bice dogovaranja na sve strane. Na selektoru je da odluci da li ce nekad nesto da dogovori ili ne, ali ocigledno se treba praviti Englez i nikada javno ne pisati o tome. Jedino bih zamerio bilo kom selektoru ako dogovori TIE-TIE, pa za*ebe protivnika tako sto odigra normal/ct.

This Post:
313374.281 in reply to 313374.280
Date: 8/26/2023 12:02:04 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Dorcol Utopia
Tuno, jedno je matematika, drugo cast i obraz

Last edited by Zvone Kralj II at 8/26/2023 12:02:21 PM
