Why use the odds of 1 champion ?
For example a shop wants to know how much the products make for him or her. He/she won't just look at the yesterdays sells and then conclude and interpret based on just that one day !! He/she will probably take a look at the sells of past month, even better the past year for a better outlook and view.
This is the same in here, if we are talking about the BB in whole, and we're discussing how BB should move forward, we can't just say (based on your logic):
1 guy from Moldova has won the B3:
1/20000 = 0.00005 % -----> So if the odds says that he's odds of winning are one in 20000 tries, then he shouldn't have won 1 in the 29 times the B3 have been held. And remember this is based on your logic !! So by your logic, we conclude that micro nations are over presented because he/she overcame the odds !!
That's just ridiculous ! We must look at the bigger picture and consider the numbers in whole. The overall numbers are those that I presented you. And the numbers say that the distribution of champions are not odd at all. They are pretty much as they should be. But then again, remember that this is not a game of odds. A lot and a lot more different factors weigh in and affect the outcome of every game, let alone the B3.