You've played the game for one season. So in one draft you've somehow deduced this information. Interesting. I've drafted for three seasons now with incredibly positive results, the box score is not decieving if you know how to read it correctly.
One of my biggest assets on this game is my ability to study statistics and acquire and place the best team I can have out there. I've based many of my decisions on this principle and it hasn't steered me wrong yet, so get off your high horse mr AUS Division IV promotee. From the way you talk, you will give Superfly a run for his money... -_-
And by reading correctly, I mean basing skills based on salary and stats. Therefore, a 3 ball player who scores 40, I can deduce is not Kobe Bryant. However if a A+ guard scores 40, his JS is probably respectable with a high sublevel.
Using this, I've pinpointed exact skills on opposing players, one guy asked me if I could see his skills.
Last edited by Bigcatjc at 3/18/2010 3:27:29 PM