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What about your best rookie now?

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From: zyler

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126140.279 in reply to 126140.278
Date: 3/18/2010 2:46:01 PM
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the only person i was being arrogant towards was shaq and that because in so many past threads he has given out so much wrong information and t seems the only way to get through to him is to be like that.

as for the rest of what you said about me if thats how you feel i cant do anything about it, i am who i am and i voice my thoughts the way i do personally ive read almost every thread in these forums, i now know so much about this game that im currently developing a team scouter program as well as a training program.

im sorry if i seem like a prick to you, or anyone else im just trying to make sure people get the correct information.

which is that the box scores are highly unreliable , i read this in many threads in the past and have seen my self to be true.

once again im sorry if i upset anyone .

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From: Foto
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126140.281 in reply to 126140.280
Date: 3/18/2010 3:14:36 PM
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Second Team:
Players on sale are not allowed

From: pmfg10

To: Foto
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126140.282 in reply to 126140.281
Date: 3/18/2010 3:15:35 PM
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Well I didn't show the skills or the other player's name but ok.

From: Bigcatjc

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126140.284 in reply to 126140.279
Date: 3/18/2010 3:24:12 PM
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You've played the game for one season. So in one draft you've somehow deduced this information. Interesting. I've drafted for three seasons now with incredibly positive results, the box score is not decieving if you know how to read it correctly.

One of my biggest assets on this game is my ability to study statistics and acquire and place the best team I can have out there. I've based many of my decisions on this principle and it hasn't steered me wrong yet, so get off your high horse mr AUS Division IV promotee. From the way you talk, you will give Superfly a run for his money... -_-

And by reading correctly, I mean basing skills based on salary and stats. Therefore, a 3 ball player who scores 40, I can deduce is not Kobe Bryant. However if a A+ guard scores 40, his JS is probably respectable with a high sublevel.

Using this, I've pinpointed exact skills on opposing players, one guy asked me if I could see his skills.

Last edited by Bigcatjc at 3/18/2010 3:27:29 PM

From: Foto
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126140.286 in reply to 126140.284
Date: 3/18/2010 3:48:37 PM
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Second Team:
No more posts including personal attacks or similars.
Let's back to the theme of the thread, please

From: TeewhY

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126140.287 in reply to 126140.274
Date: 3/18/2010 5:53:00 PM
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Do you reckon training jumpshot during offseason scrimmages now is a good idea? If not when is a good time to train jumpshot??

From: FatCurry

This Post:
126140.288 in reply to 126140.287
Date: 3/18/2010 7:45:24 PM
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For your guy instead of JS do Rebounding 2 guys 48 mins a game to get 4 guys 48 minutes. Touch jumpshot when he's in his twenties.

This Post:
126140.289 in reply to 126140.288
Date: 3/18/2010 9:22:57 PM
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im not being ar smart arse or nothing but i would like to add that box scores dont actually show much as i scouted a pf
5 star ability A+ 5 star potential
if i hadnt scouted him twice i would have taken him for shit and put him at the bottem as his box score was shocking
he scored three points all from the foul line, he went 0-13 from the field had 11 t.o and his best stats were 3 rebounds and 2 assists he also had 5 fouls and he played 22 mins in the game so if you went by box score he is a sshocking player but if you go by the balls hes a brilliant player
