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season 16

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From: ezlife

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181721.28 in reply to 181721.27
Date: 6/9/2011 4:51:35 AM
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Close win! We totally got carried by BBW's SG, which is really scary! 40 pts in the all star game, can anybody stop him?! Hopefully a tremendous OD could slow him down...

On another note, lol @ D-Stars' new purchase. What a waste of money, once again! I gotta start dealing with this guy, I'd be ready to sell my PF for 1.5 million haha

From: Sundae09

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181721.29 in reply to 181721.28
Date: 6/10/2011 8:49:53 AM
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that was a good all star game :). BBW will need more than just his sg to win it .

i just checked the pf. itsexpensive coz its not a monoskilled biggy i think its a proper sf/pf player. ived been checking out the prices of those kinds of player and they are pretty expensive

This Post:
181721.30 in reply to 181721.29
Date: 6/14/2011 5:04:39 AM
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You guys are so rich. $1.5 million to spend on a player. My second best player cost me $5,000 and our second most expensive current player was $20,000. I have a long way to be at D-Stars standard but I just can't imagine where you get that sort of cash.

This Post:
181721.31 in reply to 181721.30
Date: 6/14/2011 7:54:26 AM
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i think DS sold 2 trainees that cost heaps then by the 1.5m guy

for me to get money,all i did was sell all players then coz of weekly low salary i tend to save alot of money :) but i lose most of my games

i think the guy with heaps of money is HBH :)

Last edited by Sundae09 at 6/14/2011 8:23:05 AM

From: ezlife

This Post:
181721.32 in reply to 181721.31
Date: 6/14/2011 11:51:56 AM
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The big ways to make money in div III are the followings:

- Big arena (with a good PR manager if you lose most of your games)

- Trainees: they are always underpaid, they make you win games if you train them well and you can sell them for a lot once they reach a too high salary (unless you want to keep them and promote)

This is why I spend a lot of money to buy my trainees: for 15k per week, they perform as well as some 40k per week rounded players. And while the old players lose value, your trainees are worth more everyweek.

I'm amazed at how my turkish trainee is doing, reaching the rating of 12 in his last couple of games at SF! If he carries on the hard work, he's gonna destroy BBW!

From: Sundae09

This Post:
181721.33 in reply to 181721.32
Date: 6/15/2011 6:41:20 AM
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yea i saw it.. your sf is pretty good and i accidently bought a sf for me lol. i was like oh hes cheap then no one else bid lol hes an alright player for hes price tho.22k extra a week for a team trying to become 3rd pick :(

Last edited by Sundae09 at 6/16/2011 10:38:03 PM

This Post:
181721.34 in reply to 181721.31
Date: 6/20/2011 9:30:47 PM
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I agree with you HBH never spends anything and have you seen the size of his arena?

I admit I am also making some good money this season sitting just on the salary floor but still hoping to avoid relegation. It's only my second season so there is still a lot to buy. The good thing is my best three players are aged 18, 19 and 20 and have wages of $10,000, $5,000 and $3,000. The bad thing is those wages will go up a lot next season and if I am back in d4 it will be hard.

Big game against Maggots tonight. There is actually a lot riding on this one.

This Post:
181721.35 in reply to 181721.34
Date: 6/21/2011 11:29:36 AM
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becareful i dnt think magic vs bird doesnt wanna get relegated either :) if HBH spends money next season hes got a good chance of getting promoted. for me i hope i play good against ts phalanx so i dnt get relegated either and this is only my 3rd season tho i started at div 3 :)

This Post:
181721.36 in reply to 181721.35
Date: 6/21/2011 9:41:38 PM
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Yes it is no secret I have a big bank balance. The question is when I make my strategic move. I am still training players out of position and I want them to be able to contribute in their natural positions in the season we spend up and go for it. Maybe next season, but maybe still the season after.

This Post:
181721.37 in reply to 181721.35
Date: 6/22/2011 1:59:59 AM
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I really don't think it would be so bad to be relegated out of this league. I am not going to try and be relegated but I wont cry if I do. Look at the huge pile of teams ahead of us. Even if the Big 8 win every championship and no-one good ever gets relegated still this is our best scenario. This season it will probably be Big Black Wang or peaceNroll winning. Next season the other. After that HBH or Maggots will probably be ready. Geoffrey the Giraffe is also in the mix. That is 5 teams just in the Big 8 that are ahead of us already so maybe you and I can fight for the championship in season 22? No way other leagues are this bad.

This Post:
181721.38 in reply to 181721.37
Date: 6/22/2011 5:02:52 AM
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I understand your point, but I totally disagree with you. You have to consider the developpement factor: BBW has a good team now, but a relatively small arena and high wages. That means he doesn't earn any money.

You just have to play it like HBH: train your players, upgrade your arena in order to earn more and then when you get enough cash to build a stronger team than all your opponents you go for it and promote. This could happen in 3-4 season, just the time to get ready not only to promote be to stay in div 2!

BBW and geoffrey have a very low devoppement potential, while the other conference has absolutely no dangerous team. If BBW does't promote now, he'll never get out of this.

On another note, I'll fight for the first seed next week. That's gonna be one really interesting game! I'll probably go LI / M2M... or do you guys have any suggestions?
