I totally agree with you about the rich people & poor people stuff, but you have to take our clients into the equation.
BB is not exactly the high profile coolest thing in town game, it´s usually played by either basketball freaks or students and nerds. We had the same issue back then when I played Blood Bowl online. We had either cool kids doing it with kind of an arcade approach (ahh - a game ... i have to play it - i have to become the best...) and spent some of their money on it, or with students who kinda loved the game (mathematics / physics students from all over the world mainly).
There were -some- (but actually few) guys around with a solid money background, and some of them actually made the whole thing running by giving some money into the system, but that was back in the "very" old times before the very heavy mmorpgs and stuff.
I do think the BBs are very well aware about the "lower price, rise income" strategy, as it´s actually a vital part of the game in the in-game ticket prices. You can argue that there´s a level you shouldnt go below when talking about fair value.
But actually there´s some "rich" countries (but not with a huge BB history) who are a non-factor in the BB universe, while there are others where basketball is important, but the amount of supporters is still quite low.
I think you can target both issues by doing a league or layer model, which includes both the size of the country (in terms of active team) and the general income of the country.
And here we do agree. I think once the share of supporters passes a certain percentage of users overall in the country, it´s a sign that supportership value is... now what? Too high or too low?
And that´s where I disagree. I don´t think price should be LOWER if you have more people buying supportership. I think if you have like 10% Supporters in a country (not neccesarily a valid number, just a random one), that´s a good number for online gaming. Now if there´s a country having 30% Supporters, that suggests to me, that Supportership is "too cheap" there, and you can probably raise the price a little. If you only have 2%, Supportership clearly is "too expensive", so lower the price. Of course this concept - to some degree - might piss off some supporters, because the are not willing to pay price X while they have purchased before for price X-2, but actually that´s how a market should work.
I just don´t think the market should work globally, but maybe in zones. Like (Northern America / Central America / South America / Africa / Arab Countries / Central Europe including Spain, Portugal and Italy / Skandinavia / Eastern Europe / South Eastern Europe / China / Central Asia / Japan, Korea and the Phillipines / Australia and NZ) and then look at the market how it develops from time to time. Maybe even with IP - Specific offers. So youre not confronted with the Supporter Price of different Zones.
Last edited by LA-seelenjaeger at 5/31/2011 6:03:53 PM
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