Yes, that was me XD, and I got 2 balls in that thread you created.
It is generally agreed that the previous week before last counts too, and maybe to a lesser extent the week before that, so side by side with maintaining a good week minutes, you factor in previous weeks, and expect random things to happen. I purposely tried to get some players of mine under 48 mins because they played a lot the week before that, for example last week I made my PG Emil Schwartz get that 40-48 (45 to be exact) and he ended up staying proficient this week. I've done that many times; this is only something that I observed and tried. It works for me, but I'm not saying it's law.
btw my definition of perfect minutes is definitely not 66 xD
And you thanked me for that
Thanks to the guy who suggested that possibly an longer period affects gs, i think i did play weston too many minutes the week before (around 78) and i was lucky to stay at strong gs, so this could be a explanation, thanks man.