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BB USA > National Team Debate Thread

National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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From: Jason
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274398.28 in reply to 274398.27
Date: 11/13/2015 2:55:46 PM
Arizona Desert Storm
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To me, there is isn't a even a remotely close second place runner on this list. It's a no brainer to vote for Isaiah.

1. He's more than demonstrated his love for and commitment to the NT program.
2. He is as involved and known by the USA community as anyone in the country, whether they are running or not.
3. He has a strong track record as a BB coach, and has clearly demonstrated his understanding of the game and tactics in forum discussions.
4. He filled in admirably after the last coach disappeared and went bot.
5. Not a big fan of saying anyone "deserves" anything to be handed to them, because in the end, if you don't get it or win it, then clearly you didn't "deserve" it....That said, if anyone deserves to have a chance to run the NT program, it's Isiah. He's wanted this for a long time, put in the time an effort, and after filling in this past season on interim basis to get us through the season...Let's give him a chance to finish what he started and see how he does.

I don't have any questions for you Isiah; I just want to wish you good luck!

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274398.29 in reply to 274398.28
Date: 11/13/2015 3:44:31 PM
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I changed my vote to Isaiah dont want anybody new running screwing up our national team.

Heading on the right path so far. Are you?
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274398.30 in reply to 274398.29
Date: 11/13/2015 9:50:58 PM
Greensboro Generals
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on friday the 13th the US is at 1313 members.... spooky.

Dropping from the race, throwing support to the current administration, which is the right path to stay on.

From: A-Dub

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274398.31 in reply to 274398.16
Date: 11/15/2015 1:14:25 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Upsyndrome II
Vote for Isaiah, but not because he is a good coach, I want Isaiah to be distracted from our league.

If he's not a good coach, why would you want him distracted? *Sexy Wink-y face*

"You will lose." -Ivan Drago