Can u explain your definition of ' capped' because a starter potential with mediocre across the board is not even soft capped by my calculations.
sorry just re-read your post - he started with mediocre. end product was as you stated
10/5/13/10/10/10 - 9/9/5/5 - its not as balanced as you think - see below.
So this puts him just past what is commonly referred to as the 'soft-cap'. he has a potential calculation score of 16.28, which the range for a Starter potential is 16-18
So the fact that you are experiencing such slow training at this stage, isn't even hard cap slow down, its soft cap slow down. And yer it confuses me as to why players hit this training slow down, however there are examples out there which contradict it entirely.
He is a good example though, where - he is a SG/PG, but with only mediocre JR. This is the elastic effect in play i feel. Also the OD skews things as well. Not so sure about secondaries like Rb and SB.
Last edited by Coach Regan at 2/21/2016 8:43:36 AM