I can't do it this season...
It cost me (overall) close to a million to load up for the past season, and I am not in any way, shape or form planning on competing next season. It would require me doubling my current salaries to get there. Significantly more cash spent than received via the TV bonus we got. I mean... I think it's great value if you're planning on competing, but if you're not? It makes very little sense.
I believe there are 4 teams over the 750k mark in salaries at the moment... there were quite a few rosters still here who haven't done any of the heavy lifting in regards to TV money before, maybe it's time they did.
Last edited by malice at 9/14/2013 8:58:22 AM
http://with-malice.com/ - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan