Pues quejándome de la falta de información en el foro inglés, BB-Marin me ha contestado esto:
We've been trying to address every delay (mostly training) with a note saying how late it was and it has again become an issue, since the delay was not the same in all countries or something else was wrong. Whatever we do in never enough and people complain. We are aware that there will be delays in the future, but since we are a very small dev team, we can't even cover the whole day on BB, let alone update the notes about the delays. Also, it would add to our already very busy days and would slow our other work.
One day in the future we will make a feature that will show how long the delays are automatically, but for now, it is up to us to do it manually.
Si alguien no lo entiende, se lo traduzco, pero básicamente viene a decir que no nos dan información de cuánto va a ser cada retraso, porque en cada país es distinto, y si hacen eso perderían tiempo, con lo que los retrasos serían mayores. ¡A tomar por culo...!
Los italianos piensan que el mundo es tan duro que hace falta tener dos padres, por eso todos tienen un padrino. - Tom Hagen en "El Padrino".