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Suggestions > Another training idea

Another training idea

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273717.30 in reply to 273717.28
Date: 10/6/2015 9:24:51 AM
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You seem to keep imagining a system without limits and therefore devoid of challenge. That's your imagination, not my idea. Expand your thoughts. Imagine a system with logical limitations, logical challenges for a manager to wrestle with ... a system that empowers every manager with the ability to compete AND train if they do it skillfully. That would be a system available to every manager and therefore one that strips the advantage away from those few managers who have figured out the illogical system in place now, takes away the ease of staying at the top that you dislike so much.

Now we're cookin'.

Great, you've got the sales pitch nailed. Now can you provide more details than it not being tied to minutes played and coaches don't have infinite time? If it's your idea, perhaps the onus should not be on me to expand my thoughts and imagine a new system, but instead on you to actually, you know, describe it with some sort of actual details.

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273717.31 in reply to 273717.30
Date: 10/6/2015 10:10:03 AM
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This must have probably been proposed many times, but I think the change that could be made in the training regime without creating a different game would be that players should still need 48 minutes at a certain position in order to get full training, but you could set different trainings for each player who received minutes in that certain position.

I mean: if you want to improve your centers' passing, the best way would still be playing them 48min at PG, single training position. But if you managed to get 48 minutes in 3 of your players and 1 of them doesn't need passing, but OD, you could set 2 of them to train passing and 1 OD. Some penalty (10%?) could be implemented if players get different trainings. You should also only be allowed to set different trainings if none of the players that receive minutes are assigned by the engine to that specific position (you shouldn't be allowed to train 2 centers and a PG at PG position, but you could train 1 C, 1PF and 1SG).