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Suggestions > Bigger draftpool guarenteed 4/5 potential

Bigger draftpool guarenteed 4/5 potential

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From: ghunter
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282644.30 in reply to 282644.29
Date: 12/8/2016 10:41:15 AM
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I like the idea of having a normal/Gaussian distribution in terms of potential. As for skill level I would leave it be but increase the amount of trainers on the market. The prices for top level trainers are crazy.

Hopefully having more people with better trainers would increase the amount of talent available

From: lvess

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282644.31 in reply to 282644.29
Date: 12/8/2016 10:57:15 AM
Delaware 87ers
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I understand that but why is that a bad thing? Especially if it helps new teams competitive sooner and results in more users sticking around.

There are far too many useless high potential players in the game because their initial TSP was so low and/or poorly distributed that they stand no chance of reaching their caps. That shouldn't be the case.

From: lvess

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282644.34 in reply to 282644.32
Date: 12/8/2016 11:48:32 AM
Delaware 87ers
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Last time I checked the purpose of a draft in a sports league was to acquire new, talented players.

Your want to bump the skills of the initial roster each team gets upon creation? Fine. That helps new teams only. The draft helps new and existing teams. I'd rather improve the skill levels for all teams not just one small subset.

From: lvess

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282644.35 in reply to 282644.33
Date: 12/8/2016 11:49:54 AM
Delaware 87ers
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How in the world does better players = less growth? This isnt opposite day is it?

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From: RandyMoss

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282644.38 in reply to 282644.35
Date: 12/8/2016 1:23:17 PM
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How in the world does better players = less growth? This isnt opposite day is it?

I think he is referring to with the players having higher salaries from being better players, it will siphon more $ out of the players' accounts, that they could otherwise invest into building up their arena, which has more benefit, than winning games sooner, or having better players quicker. I think.

There could be some other reasons for his saying that as well.

But, if that's the case, maybe a short "tutorial" could be added for new managers, explaining stuff like the transfer market, arena building, staff acquisition, etc.

This Post:
282644.39 in reply to 282644.38
Date: 12/8/2016 2:36:43 PM
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Maybe it would be interesting too to have a bigger age range in draftees i mean 17-20 would be perfect with the same logic 17 yo players being less play ready than 18 , and 20 with maximum caracteristics at 9 or 10 could really become the go to guy in small clubs
