I'm so excited, because we won against Canada, homeland of
jbmcrock of
(24823)... well Canada is not BC Törööö, but it's an important and prestigious W!
We were +17 at the end of first half
(7750), Canada try to move up (27-21 on third quarter for RiP88's team), but we can't lose!
We play normal and after match we could say that we can play TIE, but... well... after the match all over the world we can find best basket ball coaches... before it's harder to say the same!
Despite Lavdas' injury during the second quarter, we could rely on Pitsikokos even if he was on bad game shape (3-17 from the field!). Atmatzidis was great again, even if we play inside where we find the decisive mis-match with Florakis (MR: Florakis-Kourmentalas 117.0 > 82.6 Marini Frenkel)
We don't suffer at rebound this time, thanks to Florakis and today's MVP...
http://i35.tinypic.com/2evvy9e.pngLast edited by Steve Makis™ at 10/13/2009 6:28:13 AM