Nice thinking! first shoot then think (like far west movies)
I was gonna say something about being American, but looks like you are, too.
Anyway, I snagged all of them because I had the money, but didn't quite realize how fast
the salaries go up. That doesn't mean I wasn't thinking, it means I wasn't fully informed
before making a decision.
In all actuality, I have about $550K and am clearing about $40K a week as it is, so it's
not like I'm in eminent danger of going in the red.
In my opinion, for a newbie, most important is trainer
That's all neat and dandy, so much so, that I listed it first in what I considered importance.
What I'm really wanting to know is, do y'all think I can go from a Level 4 PR guy to a Level 2
without a major difference in marketing (which is kinda low anyway, too many foreign players, as I prefer winning
to selling T shirts) and fan survey?