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CWUB Broadcast

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132757.3 in reply to 132757.2
Date: 3/3/2010 5:49:21 PM
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Dear viewers, we come live to you once again. No time will be taken to analyze any of the games that took place on Tuesday since nothing interesting happened. Only brief mentioning should be given to the away win of Ekleptismenoi againsr Bros with the score of 127-113 in over time.
As for the playoffs the pairs have been set already. In Great 8 we have:
1. Megalonisos VS Pistoleroi.
2. Ekleptismenoi VS Bros
There are not much to say since Megalonisos as well as Ekleptismenoi hold the home court advantage. Surely an easy win for Megalonisos and most likely a battle between Ekleptismenoi and Bros.
In Big 8 the pairs are similar with an easy first round schedule for BC Teammate.

Lets just wait for the results!