my two cents: don't panic. things don't look so bad, and your first game suggested you will be at least competitive, if not superior.
i would recommend broad-based (two-player) training. players with a respectable skill are good at your level. i would suggest focusing on defense -- i remember teams at that level in love with Run and Gun and piling up numbers; be contrarian, play defense, rebound, pass well. watch your game shape. 10 - 30 suggests your FT is bad; i don't think you have wasted your time, but most teams don't get 30 FT a game. Hatcher (your SG) is a solid player; build some others to balance his skills (inside scoring, for example). dont' obsess about being tactically versatile -- play to your strengths.
building up some savings is important -- for that reason, i think a level 4 trainer is too expensive for you. add seats over time. winning will fill the stadium. save money on the pr guy; the doctor is a good insurance policy. i would go level 1 pr, level 3 for doctor and trainer.
keep an eye on the transfer list. get an idea of your weakness and look to fill that hole. buy an older player -- more useful to you and generally cheaper. one, two good players will get you into div. iv.
two cents goes pretty far these days. good luck and have fun.
Last edited by Hassan Donnelly at 3/30/2010 5:00:45 PM