Yesterday i wanted to buy a player, and another team that wanted the same player withdrew. I waited 5 minutes...but when the auction end(30 seconds before) another team decided to offer. After i offer again and wait another 4 minutes a new team appears. This story happened again. Because of this i bought the player for $100.000 when could have bought for $50.000, but the worst of all was being over 30minutos to buy a player...
I realy don't see the problem here, you bid what you want to pay for a player.
You have 2 ways:
1: you bid lower than you intend to pay and hope you get him cheap, this way, if others are watching the same player they might bid as well, and you can bid again, but if you notice you won't get him easy, you can bid your amount, and leave it at that, this should take 15 minutes
at MAX 2: you imediatly bid what you intend to pay, and if someone outbids you, I see no reason why you should bid again, since it is over your intended bid...
Is there any other meaningfull way that one can think off, since I can't.
We all know well enough that by bidding on a 250k player that is at 100k, and only raising the amount by 1500 at a time it will take a long time, so just don't do it, unless you don't mind the time. It's in your own hands you know, you can bid high enough to start with, shortening the time a lot
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