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Suggestions > Foul Trouble

Foul Trouble

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16651.3 in reply to 16651.2
Date: 11/28/2017 4:16:39 PM
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I got trouble with foul trouble, every time i meet a weaker team (i'm on a way for 22-0), the guys i trained goes out every game or almost. Regardless that's my best defensive player, defending a bot player, someone still manage to be fouled out, including in 100 point difference games....that's so unfair, when you go in a division with many bots or weak tems, you know your training will be messed up with these random rejections (i don't count the times my opponents scores only FT, with my players making fouls in no shot situation, just to be kind with them)

Today's game against the 2nd of my conference, i won 96 - 48, my PG fouled out after 27 minutes, my SG after 45, just for fun, except that it aint fun at all

Last edited by Tom2vals at 11/28/2017 4:21:34 PM