Just would like to share an experience I had on BB last 2 weeks. I saw a very good 21yo player on the market. The dateline was 5:00 am so I had to wake up at 4:50 am to prepare to bid for the player. The player was from another country and every time someone tried to outbid me, I will just raise the price again.
Very soon, I started receiving BB Mails from managers from the foreign country. One asked if I wanted to get a trainee and offered his 21 yo player instead.
Another manager also asked why I was so insistent to get the player when the player was almost close to the potential soft cap already and needed to be trained on non-main skills to not reach the soft cap.
After that, a third manager from the same foreign country was bidding for the player (most likely due to the first two managers did not have enough money). At that point, I decided the community was very strong and probably has great plans for the player, so decided to not bid anymore.
What I am trying to share is it is very touching to see managers so passionate about the training of their NT players and how they are so united that they will work together to ensure the training regime for their potential NT players are not jeopordised.
So yes, Phenom has pointed a very valid point. Why is it that even after posting on the forums that there are good potential 18yo malaysian players on the TL, do we have managers opting for foreign players instead?