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185931.3 in reply to 185931.2
Date: 5/26/2011 10:16:13 PM
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Plus, new players get an extra $50k a week for 6 weeks ($300k) plus tv revenue (around 50k/week). Perhaps with little to no money in scouting plus otherwise low player salaries, it would only take 6 weeks or less to get the other 300k.

The more likely scenario, though, is selling a good young draftee for big bucks.

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185931.4 in reply to 185931.3
Date: 5/26/2011 10:25:21 PM
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dont worry about them, it seems to be they are flashes. They dont understand most of the time that they do not have the economy to handle a player of that caliber. Also I promise you if they only have one good player I can find a way to shut him down. Make yourself a plan and stick with it, it may take afew seasons to build your team but if it does you will be stronger for it and you will be around more than 2 seasons.

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185931.5 in reply to 185931.1
Date: 5/27/2011 12:16:49 AM
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With your record and the strength of popyes in the other division, you're not going to promote this season. If I were you I would train Gale, and buy two other 18 year old guards to train with perennial all star potential. Buy a level 4 trainer and do some single position training for the rest of the season. Once you figure out the game and decide what kind of offense you want to run, you'll have enough money to buy people in the offseason that will fit your needs. Don't waste your money buying expensive players right now as your short term gain won't be too great. The rest of your league seems pretty weak so you won't have trouble promoting next season if you spend your money wisely.

From: RamQ

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185931.6 in reply to 185931.5
Date: 5/27/2011 1:25:08 AM
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Yes, they probably spent their beginning money (300K) and then some on their expensive players which is very unwise to do. Also people that win cup games get an additional 50K.
Because you have no many transfers that have happened and no arena expansions I am guessing you still have your beginning 300K plus the 50K a week which is awesome.
I disagree with Arthur Monnay when he said

With your record and the strength of popyes in the other division, you're not going to promote this season

You definitely have a chance. Here's why I think so:
1: You have money to work with.
2. You just beat the number 3 in the other division.
3. High paid players on the number 1 teams all have terrible game shape.

I can already see some things that you have done that I like:
1. You got rid of all your players but 8 by firing your very trashy players.
2. You have used the right defensive tactic in your games
3. You haven't spent your money

Here are some things you need to make sure you do.
1. Manage your game shape. It is best that your players get between 48-70 minutes of playing time a week
2. Manage your enthusiasm. Play TIE to build up your enthusiasm.
3. Play your strengths. Right now you are playing a base offense when in my opinion Look inside would be better because your three best players are inside men.
4. Invest in some older players who are good (salaries around $8,000-$10,000). Players 30year old+ plus players can be bought for relatively cheap on the transfer list. Don't worry they will still be good for a couple more years.

I push promoting fast because I didn't like being in D.V. There is minimally activity by the managers (alot are bots) and it is predictable and kind of boring. In Division IV., people are more active so its more fun and exciting. Don't think that it's too hard though because I just promoted from D-V. last year and I'm in the top of my conference this year.

How do I know you can do this. Because I almost did it too. I first games while still getting a feel can into a D-V. two season ago replacing a team that had a 3-9 record. I lost the two for the game and then when undefeated finishing the regular season with 11-11. I then made it to the championship game only to lose by 5 points in each game. The manager who I faced had good game shape and also managed his enthusaiasm well. It looks like the managers in here do not.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

From: Burin
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185931.7 in reply to 185931.6
Date: 5/27/2011 4:06:39 AM
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I agree with Rambquizibo.
You have chance of promoting, but you need to manage your game shape and build up your ent. Those two things will give you great advantage over your opponents.
And put as mutch money as you can in arena expansion like rubball24 said. It will be great help in long run since arena income is bigest source of your cash.

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185931.8 in reply to 185931.1
Date: 5/27/2011 9:16:40 AM
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The guy that bought the $600000 player has been around since last season so that's lots of time to build up his bank account.

However looking at his record and his situation, buying 1 expensive player was likely the stupidest thing he could have done. Now he has to player that guy a $34000 a week salary that he can't really afford and the rest of the team is full of scrubs and players not worth training. Simply put, don't follow his lead.

Last edited by Beener not Beanerz at 5/27/2011 9:19:16 AM

From: InfamousMJ

To: RamQ
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185931.9 in reply to 185931.6
Date: 5/27/2011 9:22:05 AM
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Thanks for the reply everyone, definitely helped me.

The thing I see wrong with going inside is the fact that a person can choose the 2-3 zone against it shutting them down since that is a D against it. Why I said that is because the #3 team that I beat in the other division had the go inside tactic and I had 2-3 zone because it seemed it was the D for the team and players that I have.

although I have a question on the TIE, i really don't want to lose any games especially against the other bottom feeders in my league because I still want to remain competitive and actually see how my team does with the transactions that I made.

but otherwise again thanks for all the help everyone

From: RamQ

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185931.10 in reply to 185931.9
Date: 5/27/2011 11:05:40 AM
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Playing TIE is very important for the long term results because when you have full enthusiasm and play TIE its seems to be just as good if not better than normal with ethusiasm at 5, and then come playoffs when you face a team that is better than you you play normal and you with have a great equalizer. Unfortunately, you do run the risk of losing the frist couple of games when building up enthusiasm but hopefully your tactics and gameshape and hopefully new players will help you win those. I would start playing TIEevery game after the all star break.

As for tactics, it doesn't seem that many people in D.V change tactics that often, as evidenced by you being able to pick a correct defense without question. It's all about being aware of how aware they are. If you see that they haven't changed theeir lineup in a while your probably save to assume that those tactics are what they will play. Another helpful thing that I do is look when they last logged in. This can be done by clicking either the Big 8 or Great 8 on the League page.

From: InfamousMJ

To: RamQ
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185931.11 in reply to 185931.10
Date: 5/27/2011 8:41:07 PM
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wow awesome, you sir have been a big help. that last log in is very nice to know

thank you

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185931.12 in reply to 185931.5
Date: 5/28/2011 9:46:44 AM
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I think there is a lot of wise advice posted in this thread for a new manager.
The only thing i would comment on here (and i see repeated over an over) is "buy an 18yo perennial all star and train him".

It is true that this type of player will have plenty of scope to be solidly trained for 3,4 or 5 seasons and his resale value should hold up well.

However, you maybe be able to get better value for money by buying a 19yo or 20yo with a similar potential and better skills than the 18yo. (the reason why they might be similar cost is if they have only been slightly trained or trained in one skill over the last season)

Equally you could buy a cheaper 18yo star or all-star with higher starting skills.

This is particularly true if you think you will keep and play your players for many seasons as either starting 5 or as reserves.

For example one of my first trainees was an 18 year old starter potential with good starting skills inside and outside. Starter potential might sound very low but he took 2 to 3 seasons to train solidly to meet his potential and now plays well at any of the outside spots now in my division.

the main thing is to take your time when buying trainees - there are plenty of them around!

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