Yes, they probably spent their beginning money (300K) and then some on their expensive players which is very unwise to do. Also people that win cup games get an additional 50K.
Because you have no many transfers that have happened and no arena expansions I am guessing you still have your beginning 300K plus the 50K a week which is awesome.
I disagree with Arthur Monnay when he said
With your record and the strength of popyes in the other division, you're not going to promote this season
You definitely have a chance. Here's why I think so:
1: You have money to work with.
2. You just beat the number 3 in the other division.
3. High paid players on the number 1 teams all have terrible game shape.
I can already see some things that you have done that I like:
1. You got rid of all your players but 8 by firing your very trashy players.
2. You have used the right defensive tactic in your games
3. You haven't spent your money
Here are some things you need to make sure you do.
1. Manage your game shape. It is best that your players get between 48-70 minutes of playing time a week
2. Manage your enthusiasm. Play TIE to build up your enthusiasm.
3. Play your strengths. Right now you are playing a base offense when in my opinion Look inside would be better because your three best players are inside men.
4. Invest in some older players who are good (salaries around $8,000-$10,000). Players 30year old+ plus players can be bought for relatively cheap on the transfer list. Don't worry they will still be good for a couple more years.
I push promoting fast because I didn't like being in D.V. There is minimally activity by the managers (alot are bots) and it is predictable and kind of boring. In Division IV., people are more active so its more fun and exciting. Don't think that it's too hard though because I just promoted from D-V. last year and I'm in the top of my conference this year.
How do I know you can do this. Because I almost did it too. I first games while still getting a feel can into a D-V. two season ago replacing a team that had a 3-9 record. I lost the two for the game and then when undefeated finishing the regular season with 11-11. I then made it to the championship game only to lose by 5 points in each game. The manager who I faced had good game shape and also managed his enthusaiasm well. It looks like the managers in here do not.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.