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Injury during Walkover????

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From: FresRez

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186368.3 in reply to 186368.2
Date: 6/2/2011 12:03:48 PM
Navajo Nation Advent
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So my guys play the game (which I never knew), my PG plays 48 minutes...but he only gets 43 training minutes????

I thought in a walk over there is no game and that's why there is a pre-arranged training minutes set. But if my guys play a game...shouldn't they get all their training minutes?

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186368.5 in reply to 186368.4
Date: 6/2/2011 12:11:32 PM
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must be a bloody tough 12 year old girl!

This Post:
186368.6 in reply to 186368.4
Date: 6/2/2011 12:12:27 PM
Navajo Nation Advent
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The injured player and the trainee are different people. My PG played the entire 48 minutes, but only gets 43 minutes of training.....

BB should have it one way or the other.

Either players can be injured during a walkover and the other players get all training minutes they played....


there is no game, no players can be injured, and a pre-arranged set of training minutes occurs.

That's not unlucky....the current system is just weird and confusing....

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186368.10 in reply to 186368.9
Date: 6/2/2011 7:33:34 PM
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Or maybe Rambo VT was at the game.

This Post:
186368.11 in reply to 186368.3
Date: 6/5/2011 11:22:56 AM
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is the player still injured? If not, did you intend to have him play 48 minutes in that game? If so, he didn't get injured, but rather the fact that a walkover doesn't provide for a real training opportunity caught up with you; it's not possible to give a player 48 minutes during a walkover game, 43 minutes is the maximum there.

This Post:
186368.12 in reply to 186368.11
Date: 6/5/2011 12:25:40 PM
Navajo Nation Advent
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Yes. He had a two week injury....