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Training SF

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From: Bauss

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186576.3 in reply to 186576.2
Date: 6/4/2011 12:45:22 PM
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so in the end, the resulting training times are the same for a SF whether he is 6'0 or 7'0 right? you basically just summarized what i said but you didnt agree with it.

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186576.4 in reply to 186576.3
Date: 6/4/2011 12:53:54 PM
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well, let me put it that way... It won't make much of a difference if the player you're trying to train is small or tall if you want to make him a SF. However, when you get a player, his size should determine his role in the future. a 6'0 player will develop better as a guard than as a SF, and a 7'0 player will develop better as a center. A 6'6 guy however will develop better as a SF than either as a guard or Center.

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186576.5 in reply to 186576.4
Date: 6/4/2011 1:30:43 PM
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makes sense.

so 6'6~ prospects are technically the least favorable trainees since they only train best as a SF while short guys can be Guards or SF and tall guys can be PF/C or SF.

From: thylacine

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186576.6 in reply to 186576.5
Date: 6/4/2011 1:47:16 PM
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..and it's the only real glaring BB's shortcoming.. Though you'll find plenty of people on here who will tell you that there's nothing wrong with 5'9 guy dominating 6'6 guy after a couple of seasons of equal training :)
There's however a clever fix (not implemented yet, we should hope):

Last edited by thylacine at 6/4/2011 1:56:37 PM

From: Fluff

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186576.7 in reply to 186576.2
Date: 6/4/2011 2:51:20 PM
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what i want to know is:

is the change in training time for big guy/small guy skills fairly linear as height changes?
if it is then the speed gain training the quicker skills will offset the speed loss of the slower skills (assuming SFs need similar pops inside/outside before they are finished)

but what if training big guy skills to a shorty or little guy skills to a big man are sooooo slow that even the quick speed of the other skill increases dont make up for it? this means that the mid height guy is the best guy to train as SF - not just because he is that height you should train as SF.

its a subtle difference but it goes back to the original question and noone has justified this either way...

i have no evidence but i have a feeling that a mid height guy will train quicker across all skills than either a short or tall guy.

From: Coolbobj

This Post:
186576.8 in reply to 186576.3
Date: 6/4/2011 3:01:00 PM
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No, I'm saying it is the fastest for a 6'6 kind of player than it is for a 6'0 or 7'0 guy.(for SFs)

Last edited by Coolbobj at 6/4/2011 3:01:25 PM

Check the Suggestions they are important
From: CrazyEye

This Post:
186576.9 in reply to 186576.5
Date: 6/4/2011 6:15:06 PM
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makes sense.

so 6'6~ prospects are technically the least favorable trainees since they only train best as a SF while short guys can be Guards or SF and tall guys can be PF/C or SF.

6"6 guys also could become good pf ;) and are normally very flexible with the training, even when u had to use it.