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Suggestions > Trades- but in different way

Trades- but in different way

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From: ron1243

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186791.4 in reply to 186791.3
Date: 6/6/2011 6:21:04 PM
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The superviser will chek the trades, and decide if it is fair or not. They even don't have to see the player's skills.

How could you say that a trade is/is not fair without knowing the skills?

If he see 1 player with 100K salary and the other player with 1K salary, you can be sure it's cheating.
but if it's closer, or make sence- like a potential player 18y old with an older player with potential is realized, or 2 player with close salary. the supervisors can exercise discretion.

Also, the superviser could be from another country, then he could see the skills and it is doesnt matter if he will see the skills.

In addition, because it could place a hard work for one man be responsible for a five hundred trading every day, there will be limited time to do transfers between teams. For example, in the AllStars Weekend, the Saturday game until after Saturday's game.

this will mean a 24 hours work for supervisors in these days: there will be a tons of transfer that should be checked (and many of them could be unchecked and not allowed for lack of time).

Then you can add add another supervisers, and to say that week after the dead all the trades will make, then the supervisors could look on all the trades.

Also, there will be limited trades for team per season, something like one trade each season.

one trade per season it's useless. we have to find a way to make all trades fair (= no cheating) or it's useless to have only a chance in one season.
imho, it is quite impossibile to create a system like this that could be useful for all BB world.

You think it's useless, but I think that 1 it's better than 0.

This Post:
186791.5 in reply to 186791.4
Date: 6/6/2011 7:24:04 PM
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So we adding more Gms/supervisors. It would use up a lot of GM's time with the amount of trades that would go through as each one will have to be checked throughly. There is also a consistency factor as trades are always subjective. 1 GM thins a deal is lopsided while another might think it is fair.

I say there is no need for it, the transfer market works perfectly. There is no need to trade, you can sell your player and use that cash to buy the player you were going to trade for.

This Post:
186791.6 in reply to 186791.1
Date: 6/6/2011 10:10:39 PM
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You already can trade.

Any player for cash. Pretty simple if you ask me. As much as I like the sound of trades I don't think it will ever happen, its just to easy for people to cheat. Cash deals are tough enough to monitor so, so my vote is for no!