Funny to some degree. Some days ago, Wolph claimed that "overtrained young FAs" are the end of Buzzerbeater, as they are clearly a sign of cheating, now only a week or two later, it´s the daytraders, who stand for the doom of all things to come, although those daytraders, as another one told us, are actually limiting the impact the "overtrained young fas" have on the market and the NTs. So while the daytraders are good in fighting against what Wolph claimed before, they are still the evil to fight?
In my humble opiniion, daytrading or "talent hunting" is to some degree a pain in the a$$, but honestly it part of a any professional sports for sure. If you can get talent for a price below market value, you often buy first and ask later, if only to be able to sell for good later.
I do agree that sucking money out of the market using the "transfer fee" is actually a positive thing balancing the bb economy.
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