You knew you were going to have to pay wages, correct?
Obviously you are spending way to much on salaries, I think that is fairly simple to see. I do agree that it is frusterating, but ask the Yankees or Red Sox about it. Both should be able to tell you that overspending has a chance of bitting you in the ass every now and then!
Also remember that many would ask you why you are selling off all of your Championship caliber players?? To me that is considered buying a title so seems fitting that you lose money. Build a sustainable team rather than stockpiling and going for broke!!
It was necessary that I have salaries about 1 M.
Salaries of my opponents in Play off:
QF - KK KremĨe ---> $966.262
SF - ALE I NEMANI ---> $961.007
F - KK Dumbarajko ---> $957.935
You're wrong about the sale of my players,
I want to train Centre next season because all the 4 C for sale.
Colombian SG for sale to buy domestic SG.
PG for sale because we do not need to be a backup PG this quality.
I do not buy the title, you see, I had the title in previous seasons.