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Player switching positions

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From: Mr. Glass

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203660.4 in reply to 203660.3
Date: 11/30/2011 2:32:08 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Thats very good advice. I have guy 18 yrs 7'0 tall at sf.. i think he should be center. i want to sell him. i dont know what to do with that. he dont center center skill. Im afraird to play him. so what do you think.

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203660.5 in reply to 203660.4
Date: 11/30/2011 2:58:43 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Best solution is to fire him straight away, his potencial is very very very low, his skills if u quess from salary are crap, he cant do anything. Also noticed u have 15 players, since they eat your budget money, no need for that much, fire/sell some to get like 10-11 players max.

Last edited by Gajus Julijus Cezaris at 11/30/2011 2:59:09 PM