relegaten you demote to a low division. Like you go down. But you don't relegate in D5, since it's the lowest division (d6 is filled with bots) SO my advice
Tank and get a GREAT Draft pick
Try, you could get a superstar, MVP, an NT prospect, so tank and spend 2 points a week on scouting. 3 points in the final 3 weeks of the season before the draft. After thst, it's basically luck that leads you to a great prospect. The higher the draft pick, the better chances of getting a cornerstone. Or you can save up the cash to buy a conrerstone. But the more basic and productive way is to get 7th/8th, and draft someone. In D5 it should be easy since theres bots. Bad thing is I didn't capitalize cause someone (Big Dogs) told me to play the guessing game, I'm still mad at him, I missed a NT prospect, and I'll live this down. I am still mad. But anyways, just tank and get 7th/8th, and build up your arena to 7000 seats. After that, buy a team that can promote you. (Please don't buy any 50+k monsters, just buy 12-18kers) and then off to D4 you go!
3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!