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Suggestions > Demolishing Arena Seats

Demolishing Arena Seats

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From: CrazyEye

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225846.3 in reply to 225846.2
Date: 8/28/2012 3:28:53 PM
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so did you think anybody woud demolish seats then, just to pay a one time bill, less visitor income especially during the debuilding.

Getting some money back might be unrealistic, but common you build up a 4,5k arena, to a 21k one with just adding seat. Normally you are happy getting some extra seats into the arena, but normally they are full as soon as the arena stands.

From: CrazyEye

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225846.5 in reply to 225846.4
Date: 8/28/2012 4:06:32 PM
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so if i deconstruct 1000 bleacher, i can build up to 600 lower tie?

Then open building the lower tie for a more exensive price direct.

From: abigfishy

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225846.7 in reply to 225846.6
Date: 8/29/2012 3:05:10 PM
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i dont see why blowing up a seat would get u money back

it should cost money

so why do it?

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225846.10 in reply to 225846.9
Date: 8/30/2012 10:45:01 AM
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Fair enough. I clearly understand why this idea is not very useful and I thank everyone that commented for their feedback toward this topic. :)