Decent arena expansion thus far. Since you are in Div III, you should be able to build a much bigger arena than you currently have. I am guessing you earn around 100,000/week+ cup money. I wouldn't hold too much money back if you don't plan to win the league. Might as well dump your money in the arena and expand quicker. If I were you I would concentrate on expanding until all-star break with some massive expansions getting 500 courtside, 25 luxury, 2000 lower, and 10,000 bleachers if you have the cash sitting around.
Personally when I was in Div 5 I expanded early selling my HOF to get more seats. Then I just tried to put whatever cash I could muster into more seats. I expanded my courtside and luxury first than worked on lower and bleachers.
Since I started in Div 4 I have expanded twice. I expanded my bleachers by 2400 seats and my lower by 250 seats both because I was selling out from winning my league bonus. I am currently in the middle of my second expansion. Unless I can find a good USA player (point guard or center) I plan to expand next week lower tier and courtside.
By all-star break I should have 12,000 bleacher, 2200 lower, 500 courtside, 26 luxury. After that I plan to save my money for new starters to push for a Div 4 title in season 24.
Basically If I price my seats right, I should earn 1% back of the initial build price each week until I get out of Div 4. Since I am stuck in Div4 for at least one season, I figured it was the best investment as I will earn back about 20% of the investment before I leave Div 4. The payback is slow on arena expansions, but its less risky than trying to earn money on buying/selling players. Also, once you get to higher divisions, the payback speeds up some. Lastly, it takes around 6.6 million for an optimal sized arena (15,000/4,500/500/50). Then you are finished and can concentrate on your team
Last edited by lawrenman at 4/2/2013 9:34:51 AM