I cant provide links, which i dont have but iv seen people drafting like 2 legendary guys with 3+k salary along with mvp or superstar beast with like 4+k salary:D and iv seen leagues where there was nothing worth u-21 scouting at all i mean NO STAR PLAYER above 3500+ or perenial allstar above 3k or mvp 2700+'
The problem is people see some lucky guys than you and in they think i am better than he is so i should get better drafts than he had. But in reality in wont happen cause average draft is really shitty. But on the other hand i have built my team around 3 perenial superstars and 1 superstar, also drafted mvp caliber player only with like 35 skillpoints but i am happy. i am promoting to div 3 next year and gona compere there for a title with 5 home grown players on a starting lineup:D
82games.com statistical site of nba has nba draft analysis there it seems like in reality players becomes less skilled than we expect
(http://82games.com/nbadraftpicks.htm.). So not in bb people but in a real world think that draft should be exztatic. but i dont think there will ever be draft like 2003year was. Or atleast this cant happen each season. 2-3-4 decent guys with 4balls 4 balls are Average.
Last edited by Gajus Julijus Cezaris at 9/10/2013 11:28:04 AM